Tis but a scratch

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A/n; this was a request from @R3j3ct3e_bri. Hope you like it and please tell me someone gets the reference. Also let me know if guys have any other requests.

A bunch of impulsive demigods with swords, and arrows, with very little supervision. What could go wrong? The answer, so much. Lucky today wasn't that bad. Y/n was watching Clarisse train in sword fighting. Her activities were done for the day and her girlfriend insisted on her watching her train. Honestly Y/n didn't mind, she liked watching her girlfriends confidence go up when she saw her sit down on the steps down to the training arena.

Clarisse was training really hard today, she'd been in the arena already for two hours without a break. She was sparing with one of her half siblings when she spotted her girlfriend on the stairs, watching her. Honey blond, curls resting on her shoulders, blue shorts and her camp halfblood top, she looked gorgeous. Clarisse forgot for a second she was sparing when she saw her girlfriend and before she knew it she felt a blade rip through her shoulder. The other kids in the arena all gasped and Y/n rushed down the stairs as Clarisse realised her half sibling had just cut her arm open, who was sprinting away in terrier. Clarisse whipped some of the blood, noticing how deep the cut was. Before she could react properly her girlfriend was right in front of her inspecting the cut.

'Oh gods Clarisse, that'll need stitches.' She said out of breath. Clarisse couldn't help but laugh at the blonde in front of her.

'Y/n, it'll be fine. Tis but a scratch.' Clarisse jokes. Her girlfriend looks at her like she's crazy.

'A scratch? your arms literally cut open.' Y/n said rather aggressively, you really don't want to mess with a child of Apollo when it came to medical assistance but Clarisse was an idiot.

'It's not that bad.' Clarisse brushed off.

'Not that bad? Explain that then.' Y/n questioned, motioning to the blood running down her girlfriends arm and hand.

'You're being dramatic darling, it's just a flesh wound.' Clarisse realised she needed to shut up when her girlfriend hit her gently over the head, that was like a second level warning from Y/n. She groaned then followed Y/n to cabin 7. She sat down on her girlfriend's bed as she had her arm and the wound cleaned. As Y/n stitched up the cut, Clarisse whined at every little prick.

'If you didn't get distracted whilst sparring I wouldn't have to do this.' Y/n muttered finishing off the last stitch.

'Well if my girlfriend wasn't so hot then I wouldn't have gotten distracted.' Clarisse responds as Y/n puts the needle in the medical bin. She turned around and gave Clarisse a 'not impressed' look.

'You really are a drama queen, like father like daughter I guess.' She laughed, sitting back down next to Clarisse.

'I guess so. But I reckon I should get a kiss because of how much it hurts.' She smirked, that got a soft laugh out of her girlfriend. She rolled her eyes then pressed a soft, gentle kiss on her shoulder, just above the large, freshly stitched up 'flesh wound' as Clarisse called it.

'There, all better.'

'You know, my lips also really hurt too suddenly.'

Y/n laughed then kissed her girlfriend's lips, her hands resting on her neck. Clarisse held onto her waist as she kissed her back. After a few seconds Y/n pulled away and stood up, making Clarisse whine.

'Doctors order, you need to get some rest.' Y/n joked. Clarisse just glared at her before grabbing her by the waist, pulling her between her legs and kissing her girlfriend again.

A/N; Yes Clarisse is being a drama queen, does Rick write her like that in the series? Well no but I believe that she'd be a huge drama queen with her loved ones. 

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