??? : My baby.

Thre was another voice from inside as a large man with a stern look came out to see what was going on.

??? : Kali who is at the door ??

He stopped at as soon as he had spoken and his stern facial features softened as he viewed the scene in front of him and he smiled.

Kali : Ghira She's home, Our baby is home.

Blake turned to her father who i guessed is called Ghira and looked down in a sheepish manner and her cats ears drooped down slightly as he approached and put his hand on her head.

Blake : Hi dad.

I was touched whie i witnessed this heartwarming scene so i got out my handkerchief and handed it to Kali as she had a few tears coming from her eye's.

Kali : Thank you.

It was then that all eye's turned to me as they finally realized that Blake wasn't alone, They seemd to be appraising me as they did a double take and noticed that i didn't have any Faunus features that were visible.

Ghira : And who might you be ?

I looked to Blake and gave her a quick wink and she smirked as she knew what was coming.

Yu : I am Yu

They looked puzzled and then looked to Blake as she was trying not to laugh.

Ghira : You are me ?? 

Yu : No i'm Yu

Blake couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing causing her parents to look at her as if wanting an explanation.

Blake : His name is Yu.

I bowed and apologized for my little joke but they didn't seem offended. They just stood next to each other as i explained what was happening at Beacon with myself and Blake at which time i did see Ghira's eyebrows twitch a little as i told them both that i was in a relationship with their daughter.

Kali : That's wonderful isn't it dear.

Kali : That's wonderful isn't it dear

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Ghira : Hmmm.

Ghira looked at me and narrowed his eye's slightly and i will admit i was a bit intimidated as he was looking me up and down.


We were all gathered around a coffee table in a large lounge type room inside the house i was kneeling while sipping some tea while the family were seated and staring at me.

Blake : Why are you kneeling ?

Yu : Well this is a formal introduction and with someone who is clearly important on this island i should show the proper respect, Besides this is how many in my homeland would gather and take tea.

Kali shook her head and came over to pull me up .

Kail : Oh don't be so serious dear it's a pleasure to have you here isn't that right honey ?

I am YuWhere stories live. Discover now