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I had no connection to the man staring back at me. I refused any part of it. The eyes belonged to a stone cold killer. One that made a game of it. One that didn't care about profiting from the kill.

My face remained emotionless, but his ocean eyes were lit, excited that I was sitting in front of him. Looking at him. Giving him the attention he'd been yearning for.


Salt and pepper hair, blond eyebrows and patchy beard. Barely there lips, and deep crows feet by his eyes. Permanent creases on his forehead and between his eyebrows, with red ears and bulbous nose on a square head.

What did he want?

I already knew the answer to that.

To torture me, destroy my family, then finally... kill me.

The reason?

To be determined.

"What am I doing here." I parted with his restless eyes, casting mine to the concrete floor.

"Wouldn't you rather know why he's here?" Christine stepped up behind me, her reflection appearing out of the darkness behind me. The glass mirrored me across from Ivan, keeping him from hearing what we discussed.

Whether it would be something of importance, would be decided. Chris had a thing for unnecessary talks. I think she just liked having someone answer to her. Reminding them of her power.

"Does it matter?" I said dully, meeting her eyes in the reflection.

"That depends on whether or not you want to be involved with what happens to him." Christine began to circle my metal chair.

I suddenly felt exposed. I uncomfortably shifted in my seat, unsuccessful to find a position that didn't make me feel like a target.

"Do you?" She stopped dead on to me. The raging storm swirling in her blue orbs willed the answer out of me.

"I want him dead." I forced myself to keep a level stare with her intimidating eyes.

"He killed Charlie." Proud my voice didn't shake.

"That's right. He did." She closed her lips softly, standing up straight, and turning to face the prisoner.

"Doomed many others as well." She turned her head to the side assessing him like a rodent.

"People like him, are the reason we are in a world war." She stated simply, clasping her arms behind her back.

"Can I assume that is something you have an interest in ending?" She proceeded to pace in front of me.

"Yes." I let out in a breathy voice.

"Good." She paused her pacing, looking at the wall. "I'll sign you up for the next tour."

I nodded numbly, taking one last look at Ivan.

My next kill...

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