- Apology Train -

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New York - Snow Patrol


Okay, next stop on the apology train to Swallowing My Pride Ville, Derek.

I headed for where Derek had set up camp. We had decided to turn in for the night. It would take us at least another day to get where we last saw Max; we'd be lucky to get there by this time tomorrow.

I didn't like that we were all spread out.

It didn't feel right.

I managed to piss off 3 out of the 4 guys today, pretty much singlehandedly. The only reason the score wasn't 4 for 4 is because the other one is God knows where.

Derek, Charlie, and Tyler were all out on their own, as far away from me as possible, but me and the kids stayed together.

I needed to pull everybody together again. Didn't know how, but I was going to have to figure it out if we were going to make it to Max in one or more pieces.

Scanning the forest, Derek was easy to spot; he had a light exuding from his tent.

I jogged over, ready to kiss his damn feet if I had to. Not exactly happy about it, but I had to tuck my pride to not let this battle turn into a war.

I pulled the edge of the tent open, peaking in.

"Derek?" I noticed a pair of socked feet sticking out from under a blanket.

He flipped the top of the blanket off his face and sat up. His face covered in dried blood, crusted around his nose, his right eye swollen shut, and a split lip.

"What do you want." Not really a question.

Okay, now I felt really bad.

This was the first time that Derek left with bruises instead of Charlie.

I felt an overwhelming urge to bandage him up as if that would make it all better. You can't put a band-aid over a bullet hole.

This was one of those moments.

Slapping a bandage on it wouldn't make it better, nor would it make Derek forgive me. I didn't know why we fought so much; it was just too much to keep up with.

I needed to work on being less bossy, and Derek needed to take a deep breath, which should fix about 3/4 of our fights.


Derek scoffed.

"That's a first." He turned away from me and pulled the cover up over his shoulder.


I was unsure how this whole apology thing works.

"Okay, so, I was right to yell at you...." I stopped short, hearing his sigh.

"Well, you didn't let me finish," I complained.

I just knew he was rolling his eyes over there; I knew I needed to start again.

"Uh, you were an ass. I was just trying to keep the peace...." Derek shook his head.

"Derek! I don't know how to do this!" I whined, dropping my head in my hands, plopping to the ground at his feet.

There was a shuffle in the silence.

I felt the heat against my knees before I saw him squatting in front of me, forearms propped upon his knees.

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