- None Of Your Business -

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Here With Me - Susie Suh x Robert Koch


I eventually was forced to face everyone that night when the cold wind came in, freezing me out of my tree.

I had assumed Charlie wouldn't be here at this hour since he was determined to find his brother today. But I'd still have to face Derek.

Which I felt pretty weird about for some reason. I didn't tell him I loved him. So, why was it weird?

The door creaked open, and I poked my head in surveying the area before walking in. The coast looked clear; all the lights were off but the kitchen ones we usually leave on.

"Glad you could join us." A voice came.

I about jumped out of my skin at his voice. I turned to see Charlie sitting in the rocking chair across from the broken screen door, no more than ten feet from me.

"I thought you left," I said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

I couldn't be more mortified.

What was I supposed to say?

"You may or may not be the love of my life?" I mean, really.

The words just came out as a response to avoid Derek; who the hell knows if they were true.

"Something held me up."

"Which is?" I prodded.

Charlie stood up silently and took my hand.

Here it comes.

His other hand came up and stroked my cheek. Just as he started to lean in, I pushed away from him.

"And this changes things how, exactly?" I exasperated.

"It doesn't. But it helps." Charlie said, stepping closer to me.

For a second, I almost fell for those melted chocolate eyes, then I shook myself out of it.

"I don't want it to help, Charlie. I want it to fix things." I said, squeezing his hands.

The creaking of the stairs caught my attention as I looked up at the steps seeing Derek.

"You're back. Good. Now, I can sleep." He said, giving me a long look, then shooting one at Charlie.

His eyes returned to mine; the intensity in his stare implied what I had hoped wouldn't happen.

He nodded and turned his back on us, padding back up the stairs.

"I think we should give this another shot." He said sincerely. "No more distractions, or psychotic parents, or dark, brooding...."

"See? That's my problem. You don't believe me." I turned away from him, tossing my hands in the air.

"I talked to Derek. We've sorted things out." Charlie said, touching my shoulder. "I'm sorry, I thought something was going on between you two. I see now that you are just really good friends."


"He told you that?" I asked quietly, the fire leaving my heart, trying to get my facial expressions from disappointment to "of course he did cause its true".

Why did that upset me?

Derek and I had been nothing more than friends from the very beginning. I mean, I had a crush on him when we first met, I'll admit that, but I never acted on it because it was stupid.

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