- Thank God For Hoarders -

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Out Of The Dark - Matt Hires


I woke to the sound of sizzling and a delightful scent wafting through the rooms of the cabin.

When I heard the sizzling, I immediately thought someone had set the cabin on fire or someone else, but I figured burning flesh didn't smell like bacon.

Or so I hoped.

Fingers crossed.

I kicked off the covers and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

Wow, I feel surprisingly laid back.

I could so get used to this.

Routine where I wake up whenever, do whatever all day, then go to sleep whenever.

Every. Single. Day.

I walked around the corner of my "cave" to see the guy's beds, grabbing my guard's shirt and tying it around the waist of my white tank top.

Charlie was gone, covers scrunched up at the bottom corner of his bed.

Derek was face down on the pull-out bed below Charlie's, half covered up by the blue sheet, one arm crowning his head; his face covered to his ears.

I turned my attention to the ladder and climbed up a few rungs to peak into the "owl's nest" we called it.

Faith was the only remaining kid, curled up like a cat in a little ball to the right of the large L-shaped bed. I gave a slight smile, watching her sleeping form so peaceful.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and ruffled my tangled blonde hair as I stepped down the stairs, the smell getting stronger, making my stomach growl.

"What's this?" I asked pleasantly, surveying the kitchen seeing no flames.

I noticed Violet gently shaking a saucepan at the stove, Tyler a few inches beside her, peaking over her shoulder, pointing at something. Violet smacked his hand away before dropping something else in the pan, making the pops and crackles louder.

At the table was Xander, his back to them, something blue and green in his hands. I couldn't make out what it was; I stepped closer, making sure it wasn't matches or explosives or something.

In his hands were two Dinosaurs, one blue and one green.

"We're making breakfast," Tyler answered.

"I'm making breakfast; you're just slowing the process," Violet said irritably. She smacked Tyler's hand away again as he pulled something out of the pan and popped it in his mouth.

"Ah, I see." I smiled.

It was really nice, quiet even, except for Xander's screeching Dino noises.

"Where'd you get those, sweetie?" I leaned over him, putting my hand on his fragile shoulder.

He beamed up at me before continuing to make them fight.

"The basement." He said, a growling noise following as the blue Dinosaur apparently flew through the air and landed on the green one.

Didn't know Dinosaurs could do that, but okay.

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