- Check Up -

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Anchor - Novo Amor


"Welcome back." A female voice punched its way into my throbbing brain.

I squeezed my eyes shut hard, then opened them into the bright light.

I was in a hospital bed.

I immediately pulled my forearms up, expecting them to be shackled.

To my surprise, I wasn't tied down at all.

Big mistake.

I sat up ready to start swingin', but one face stopped me.

I sat up abruptly, and Derek's face met mine, leaning against the wall opposite me.

There were three doctors in the room, a brunette at my right with a clipboard in hand and two men in front of Derek at the foot of my bed, discussing the stuff quietly on their clipboards. They quickly shut up when the doctor started talking to me.

"We were getting a little worried about you there. You're a little late waking up." She smiled at me.

I looked at Derek with a "please tell me what the hell is going on right now" face. He gave me a short nod, closing his eyes briefly as he pursed his lips. His "sit tight" nod.

I looked back at the woman next to me. She had a blue lab coat on, hair knotted into a loose french braid, her skeptical brown eyes tried to look warmly at me.

"I'm gonna live, right?" I only half-joked.

The doctors laughed; Derek gave a slight smirk which quickly vanished.

"Ahem, yes, yes you are." The female doctor said, realizing I wasn't laughing too. "Oakley and Larrick will give you a full work-up, and we'll have you out in about an hour." She smiled, then nodded to the men, turning and leaving the room.

"Derek," I said tightly as the men started to pull out metal carts packed neatly with God knows what.

"I'm gonna go get Jello. Be nice." He said pleasantly over his shoulder, not joking.

I had no idea what was going on, and everyone seemed totally at ease, nobody threatening anybody. I fought hard to remember where I was last, but it evaded me.

I needed to talk to Derek.

If this was part of the Grid, then I've never seen it before.

No shackles, no drugs, no problems...

Something wasn't adding up.

"You can call me Andy," The guy with an A. Larrick tag clipped on the breast pocket, said. "And this is Thomas." He nodded his head with a smile.

"Toms' fine." He stepped forward.

He had short auburn hair, and Andy had dark blonde hair with big square glasses.

They seemed to be eager to get started, scary enough.

"We're gonna get some blood, and run some tests, make sure you aren't carrying anything harmful. Then we'll do a CT, MRI, and a full set of X-Rays." He nodded, sounding intimidatingly smart.

I had no idea what any of those things were, and I sure as hell wasn't going to let them do it to me.

"Thanks but no thanks," I said, pulling the sheet off and starting to get up.

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