- 6,708 -

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Today is the day of the kid's scheduled surgery.

It's only been one since I ripped my stitches, putting my recovery back another few days. They gave me another transfusion and said I "should be up n' running shortly".

It was another one of those special transfusions from one of my "friends" that is supposed to up my recovery time a few weeks.

I have yet to ask about that.

I think they are just saying that it's from a friend cause it's some drug that hasn't been approved yet.

But on a happy note, this isn't just a hospital.

Apparently, Tyler has been doing a little digging. This is the base Derek was talking about. They took over an abandoned hospital that was evacuated during the war.

Which I didn't even know had happened yet.

The base also isn't just for those who stumble upon it, every kid that finds a way out of the facility, they track them down and bring them here.

I haven't figured out why yet, but all in good time.

There are over 6,700 fugitives housed here. That is not including personnel.

Make that 6,708.

The kids have this insane idea that their Mom might be here. They say she disappeared, but what kind of parent escapes and doesn't take their child with them?

Another reason I haven't been doing a lot of thinking about mine.

I don't even want to tell you about it.

Derek thinks I'm nuts; he said he'd give anything to see his Mom again.

I'm not sure why; I mean, technically, he shouldn't be able to remember her.

Unless he does!

That would explain the whole mental breakdown over Tyler.

Oh my God.

I have too much alone time.

I'm turning into a conspiracy theorist.

There was a knock at the door, so I looked up.

"Hey, you ready?" Charlie stood looking at me with a light smile playing around on his lips.

I nodded.

Charlie pushed in the wheelchair; it glided soundlessly across the floor, parking next to my bed.

He helped me into it and pushed me out. I was so happy to finally be out of that shitty little room.

"How does he feel today?" I asked him.

Max had been a little off lately. Also angry that he couldn't leave his hospital room like me.

Now was when we were gonna introduce him to the kids. Which, by the way, also have bombs in them, like I did.

Thanks for the parting gift, Dad.

Really, you shouldn't have.

"Irritable," Charlie reported bluntly.

"Expected," I said back.

I heard him give a soft snort at my remark. "Perfect time to drop on him that we are the proud parents of three more kids."

"He'll be thrilled." Charlie chuckled. "Max is actually really good with kids."

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