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The Chancellor walked down the beach, hearing rumbling from the fleet of HMMWV's in an immaculate row behind them.

"They should be right here." A young man in his mid 20's said, squinting at the tracking device.

"Then where are they?" The Chancellor spoke smoothly.Chancellor Davenport wore a severe expression, a look that could make anyone's blood run cold.

The man fiddled with the notches, and a chorus of beeps and buzzes went off, but to the man's dismay, the screen still read the seven blips on the screen being on the beach.

The Chancellor peered down at the white sand and nudged a mound away with a booted foot. The tiny trackers covered in blood revealed themselves under the sand.

"They found them." The Chancellor looked up at the men all searching the beach. "Get the vehicles ready; we need to find those kids before they do."

"Chancellor, where is the eighth?" One of the troops looked up after reading the screen.

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