- Discovered -

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The Downfall Of Us All - A Day to Remember


I looked at Derek in utter horror.

They finally did it; they set up the Grid.

We were totally screwed.

They could track our every move.

They probably knew exactly where we were.

"Why haven't they attacked yet?" My voice was normal, not like we were hiding anymore.

Derek was quiet a moment, considering possibilities.

"We aren't where they want us yet." He said grimly.

Hell, I'm not moving.

They gotta come to me. I thought defiantly.

If I was gonna go down, it wasn't without a bit of irritation and a fight.

I was gonna be stubborn as all get out—

Before I could finish my thought, Derek started walking forward.

"Derek!" I whisper-yelled.

Just as he began to turn around, someone ran around the corner of the next intersection at full speed.

A few seconds later, about six officers ran after him.

I squinted.

"Max?!" I raised my voice in confusion at him as he sprinted towards us.

My first thought: this mission's gonna be a lot shorter than I thought.

Before I got an answer, Derek grabbed my arm and pulled me away from him as we started running.

I could win the Olympics with all the running I've done, or at least set a world record.

"Wait a second." I slowed down, stopping as I pulled my assault rifle from around my back and started shooting.

Two of them dropped.

I almost forgot we were armed. That's sort of sad now that I think about it.

This is what a few weeks of relaxing does to me.

"Max! Find Charlie!" I shouted to him as he passed me.

"Scatter!" Derek instructed when we reached our first intersection.

The lights flickered on and off down the hall; I guess they still hadn't repaired from the fire we'd caused.

I ran about 30 feet and ducked into a cubby where a locked door was concealed. I put my back to the glossy, white brick and slid down the wall trying to catch my breath.

That's when I remembered they could see me.

I couldn't hide. They could chase me to the ends of the earth. Or at least as long as I could run for.

I heard the stomping of rubber boots on the linoleum floor, which had me on the move again.

Before I took off, I looked around for any way to escape my impending capture.

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