When You Accidentally Hit Them In Your Sleep

Start from the beginning

Kidou shot your unconscious form an offended look; yet, he realized that you were still trapped in whatever nightmare you were having. Letting a sigh out, Kidou decided to wake you up and comfort you first before he told you about your self-defense technique.

You apologised repeatedly at the bruise that was left in his abdomen.

"It's alright. Now, I know you can defend yourself quite well." He stroked your cheek foundly.

Fudou Akio :

You were running late to an important appointment you had scheduled for quite some time, and the reason for being late was your stubbornness to wake up.

Fudou sighed in annoyance as he eyed your still sleeping body. He decided that it was time to wake you up.

Yet, what he didn't expect was your elbow to meet his nose. Fudou yelped back in shock and held his throbbing nose in his palm, which caused you to wake up.

"Fudou? What happened?"

"What happened?! Are you kidding me?" He exclaimed in annoyance. As much as you worried about him, you were confused why his voice sounded very nasal.

So, it was understandable why you couldn't hold your face from keeping a serious expression. Yet, when he told you about what happened -in an exaggerated manner, that is- you apologised profusely and tried to make it up for him.

He refused to give in to your attempts, but after your proposal to send him a picture of Kidou falling off the stairs that you had taken the other day, he quickly forgave you.

Nagumo Haruya :

Similarly to Kidou, your knee accidentally kicked him while you were having a dream.

Except it went a little lower.

The loud groan which Nagumo let out next to your ear didn't faze your deeply unconscious form the slightest.

But Nagumo groaned and rolled from side to side as he clutched where you had hit him. The next time you woke up, he refused to talk to you, which left you clueless to what had happened.

Suzuno Fuusuke :

This guy will not hesitate to kick you out of bed instantly if you hit him during your sleep.

Yet, it was only for five minutes because he literally grew too attached to you, and he can't go to sleep without cuddling you.

Sakuma Jirou :

Sakuma had his eyes glued on the TV that hung on the wall in front of you.

You both decided to have a movie night after a very long week of work. The warmth that radiated off of your lover's body lulled you to sleep.

Sakuma, on the other hand, continued to watch the movie that played before him. His fingers played with your hair from time to time as he lowered the screen's volume in order not to disturb your sleep.

Suddenly, brief darkness folded his eyes and a stinging pain overwhelmed his face. A small hum came from you as you turned to the other side, while a groan left Sakuma's lips at the contact.

He was very taken aback because you were normally a quiet and still sleeper.

He sighed and woke you up. After he had told you about what happened, you felt bad and decided to make it up for him however you could.

Kazemaru Ichirouta :

Kazemaru had quite the jumpscare when you accidentally hit his shoulder.

It did hurt a bit, but he quickly understood that it was unintentional. He decided to wake you up as to prevent the accident from reoccurring.

Nonetheless, you felt bad about it and you tried apologising many time. Yet, he would just kiss your head and tells you with a smile, "It's okay. You have nothing to apologise for, darling."

Tsunami Jousuke :

Tsunami had you curled up in his arms while his hands were busy playing a game in his mobile phone. He achieved a very critical part of the game, so he was engrossed in the small screen.

Yet, that stopped being the case when the back of your head hit his face entirely. Despite being in pain, Tsunami fought through the building up tears to continue the game because he could not back up just yet.

After what seemed like forever to him, he finally beat the final boss, which allowed him to rub his face in an attempt to get rid of the itchy pain in it.

The next time you woke up, you complained about a dull numbness at the back of your head, which was then clarified by Tsunami as he told you what had happened.

You hugged him closely as you didn't cease to apologise for the accident.

Midorikawa Ryuuji :

Normally, both you and Midorikawa were still sleepers. However, it had happened one time that Midorikawa accidentally hit you during his sleep, which fortunately never occured again.

From his part, that is.

This time, it was a warm night and you were having too much comfort in the empty space of the bed as you and Midorikawa decided it was too warm for your bodies to cuddle.

However, as you turn to lie on your back, your leg accidentally hit Midorikawa's. It wasn't critical, but it still made a small groan to leave Midorikawa's lips.

The next day, you both were not even aware that such accident had happened.

.  .  .  🌼  .  .  .

Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well! I tried to switch up between the characters as to not be too redundant with the idea, and I hope I have succeeded.

If you have enjoyed your time reading this chapter, please do leave a vote and comment; I would very much appreciate it.

Stay safe and lots of love~

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