Really Lauren? A twix bar? You're not 15 anymore. Stick to Normani's plan.

"So you wanted to talk to me?" She asked, continuing the most awkward conversation I've been in. The last time I felt this way was seven and a half years ago, when I made the boldest decision ever and finally grew the balls to ask Camila to be my girlfriend.

"Oh yeah," I said, still blanking on what Normani had planned for me to say.

My body started to overheat as I stood there unable to say anything. Everything in me wants to run out of the room but at the same time I can't move.

"Lauren, you're scaring me," she said, looking me in the eyes concern.

"S-s-sorry," I stuttered out, slapping myself in the head because of how I can't even get a single word out.

"Sit down," she instructed, grabbing ahold of my hands and leading me over to the chair at the desk so I could sit down. "Don't move, okay?"

Unable to say anything, I nodded my head in agreement. She walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap before walking back over to me and handing me the bottle.

"Thanks," I replied. I brought the bottle to my lips, letting the cool water soothe my throat and calm me down.

"Oh yeah," she said, her attention focused on the desk. I moved my chair slightly to see what she was looking at. "I got the divorce papers earlier, so in a few months we'll finally be free from each other."

I set the half empty bottle on the desk, pushing the chair back so I could stand up.


I cut her off with my lips, something I should have done months before I lost her.

"Lauren," her delicate lips mumbled against mine.

"Shh," I whispered.

She kissed back with as much passion, if not more. Tiny butterflies flew like crazy around my stomach. I pushed her back, falling on top of her as we fell back onto the bed. I removed my lips from her and started planting a trail of kisses down her jawline.

"Lauren," she huffed, using the slight energy that she had left to push my chest up slightly. "My phone.

I removed my lips from her jawline and looked over at the phone having a seizure on the nightstand. I pushed myself off her, allowing her to tend to the vibrating device. She crawled to the other side of the bed, picking up her phone and answering.

"Hello?" She asked, holding her phone up to ear.

Her face suddenly dropped when she heard who was on the other side. Her hand started to shake as the loud voice came through the phone. I'm unable to hear what the person on the other side is saying but her eyes showed fear.

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