Chapter Sixty Nine

Start from the beginning

"Who was the thief, Gregorovitch?" said the high cold voice.

"I do not know, I never knew, a young man — no — please — PLEASE!"

A scream that went on and on and then a burst of green light —

"Harry!" He opened his eyes, panting, his forehead throbbing. He had passed out against the side of the tent, had slid sideways down the canvas, and was sprawled on the ground. He looked up at Hermione, whose bushy hair obscured the tiny patch of sky visible through the dark branches high above them.

"Dream," he said, sitting up quickly and attempting to meet Hermione's glower with a look of innocence. "Must've dozed off, sorry."

"I know it was your scar! I can tell by the look on your face! You were looking into Vol —"

"Don't say his name!" came Ron's angry voice from the depths of the tent.

"Fine," retorted Hermione. "You-Know-Who's mind, then!"

"I didn't mean it to happen!" Harry said. "It was a dream! Can you control what you dream about, Hermione?"

"If you just learned to apply Occlumency —" But Harry was not interested in being told off; he wanted to discuss what he had just seen. "He's found Gregorovitch, Hermione, and I think he's killed him, but before he killed him he read Gregorovitch's mind and I saw —"

"I think I'd better take over the watch if you're so tired you're falling asleep," said Hermione coldly.

"I can finish the watch!"

"No, you're obviously exhausted. Go and lie down." She dropped down in the mouth of the tent, looking stubborn. Angry, but wishing to avoid a row, Harry ducked back inside.

Snacking on a bread roll, Noel felt a shiver run up her spine as she stared at the darkness that the forest provided. Deep in thought, she jumped at the whistle that the kettle gave. She's  been having trouble sleeping lately.

Her dreams were filled with dark halls, flashes of green and red. Please and people begging for mercy. She didn't understand why, why was she seeing all of it. What sort of connection did she have to Voldemort?

She prepared her tea absentmindedly as she thought of any sort of reason why she was suddenly seeing visions in her dreams. The only reason why she didn't have any doubts that they weren't real was because all the faces that she's seen have been in the paper as missing.

The Order has been working tirelessly to provide that correct information to their supporters, but the only way they can is putting it in some sort of paper. The Prophet is Ministry run, meaning that they would be biased, anti-Harry Potter. That left them with the Quibbler, Xenopilius had agreed to help them and so, his latest issues have been about all the ways witches and wizards could help Harry Potter and how to protect themselves against Death Eaters.

It was nearing the end of November, Noel had been going to the Liah's colony the past few months helping and getting to know the people there who were understandably wary of her but silently full of gratitude that she helped them willingly. There had been truly a difference if the magic of the group and everyone seemed to have been transforming less viciously and strangely canneting with the moon, some holding resentment but the older ones feeling spiritual.

Tommy, who was always kind to Noel, told her all about the new transformations and the sudden sense of embrace that they had with their wolf selves. Noel told him that he gave her far too much credit, all she did was heal them.

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