🤘(Fourty Sixx)🤘

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We walked in and a man flew by us running. I flipped him off as I walked towards the rooms.

James was on the phone with someone. He had a giant smile plastered on his face. He hung up the phone as we walked up to him. "Who made you so happy?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Ok so I haven't seen my sister in 2 years. Well she's coming to our next concert since she lives in Albuquerque." He said running finger through his hair.

He looked over to my side. She stood there looking at her feet . "Oh James this is." I said looking back at her. I hadn't asked her, her name yet. "Maizee." She said looking up at James and me.

"What's up Maizee!" James said, pulling her into a hug. "Holy shit! I got to hug my favorite singer!" She said about to freak out. I giggled as she pinched herself.

"Hey babe have you seen my blow dryer?" Lars asked coming up to us. I went to answer him but Maizee shierked. "Oh my Lord it's LARS ULRICH! I love you so much! You inspired me to be a drummer!" She said, staring at him.

I smiled down at her as she had the biggest smile on her face. "Oh well it's always wonderful to meet you guys!" He said, pulling her into a hug. "Your the only reason I keep drumming! I want to be like you but we'll I'm not a guy so girl you!" She as they hugged.

Me and Lars chuckled. He let go of her. "I'll be right back." Lars said, walking away. "Wait! Your blow dryer is in my room!" I yelled as her bare feet pitter pattered down the hallway. I chuckled as he slammed his door.

"Wait! Did he call you babe?" She said, looking at me with wide eyes. I realized we hadn't told anyone but the band. "Oh I'm well... We...Uhhh." I said looking at her.

Suddenly a door slammed shut. I turned around to see Lars hold his drumsticks. "Here you go! I signed them for you too." He said, handing Maizee his drum sticks.

She looked like she was going to pass out. "Oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you!" She yelled, hugging him. He hugged her back before letting go.

"So wait. Before you called Y/n 'babe' are you guys dating!" She said with a sparkle in her eye. I looked at him with questioning eyes. "Well yes but don't tell anyone!" He said jokingly putting his finger to his mouth.

"That's awesome!" She yelled. I put my hand on her shoulder. "If you want you can come to my room with me and hang out." I said looking at her.

She looked at her watch and shook her head. "I can't. My brother is gonna be here for me at 10:00." She said, showing me her watch. It read 9:47. "Well you at least need to meet Kirk!" I said, grabbing her hand and walking to the room titled 'Kork' by Lars.

I banged on the door like someone was trying to murder me. Kirk flung his door open only wearing a towel. "What happened!" He yelled looking around to see if anyone was hurt.

I wheezed as he looked down at me with eyes of fury. "I brought Maizee to meet you." I said holding my laughs. He looked at the girl that stood there wide eyed and a huge smile on her face.

"Oh it's the girl you saved!" Kirk said, looking over at her. "What's up Maizee!" He said, pulling her into a hug. She stood there shaking before hugging him back.

"Oh my fucking GOD! Kirk mother fucking Hammett!" She yelled. "That's me!" He said tilting his head and smiling at her. "YOU'RE MY FAVORITE! Not anything against you guys. BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" She said her eyes were almost welting up.

He hugged her again. "Well I have to finish changing but if you give me a second I'll be right back." He ran into his room and grabbed a notepad and a pen.
Stay awesome and weird!-Kirk Hammett. He wrote on the paper.

"Hey let me see that!" James said, grabbing the notepad and pen. He drew a little skull with - James Hetfield, under it. Lars came over and signed his name. "Will you sign it too." She said holding up the paper and pen for me.

"Of course sweetheart!" I said grabbing it. Girl's protect girls, so happy I could help you and change your life- Y/n L/n. She hugged me as I handed it back to her.

"Ok let's get you to the front!" I said trying to find a bouncer.
"I'll do it, just go get ready." Lars said as he walked off with her.

I went back to my room and got in a cold shower. After I sweat a bunch I love taking cold showers. Washed my body and put water on my hair before getting out.

I grabbed a more comfortable outfit than before. I sat laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly an overwhelming feeling can across me.

What would have happened if I didn't help that girl? Could she have been the next 'Missing Child'? How many other girls has this happened to even though people saw it happen but didn't help?

The thoughts made me sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Lars walked in as I sat at the toilet puking and tears rolling down my face. "Holy shit! What the hell happened!" He grabbed my hair for me.

I looked up as he rubbed my back. "I thought about what would have happened if I wasn't there!" I said before hurling again.

"You mean with Maizee? Sweetheart, just be glad you were there! You saved that little girl! Be glad you helped her instead of worrying about what you can't control." He grabbed me and held me in his arms.

I cried into his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Let's get you ready ok." He said, helping me up. He grabbed the sweatpants of his I had in my bag and sat them down while putting my other pants away.

He went to leave but I grabbed him. "Wait! Please stay." I said. He turned around and nodded. I walked over to my clothes and started putting my underwear and bralette on.

I slipped into the slightly oversized shirt and looked at the ground. Why won't my mind get over this? I saved her! Lars grabbed face and made me look like him. "Sweetheart I love you." He said before kissing me.

His kiss made me feel alive. I wrapped my arms around his neck before putting my head on his chest. He grabbed my leg and lifted me up. He walked over to the couch and sat down.

I straddled his lap as I clung onto him. "I love you so much Lars." I said looking at him as my eyes started to gloss over. "I don't deserve a kind hearted man like you." I sid laying my head on his shoulder.

"Sweetheart don't say that. We met each other for a reason. Our fates aligned." He said kissing my head and stroking my hair.

We sat there in each others embraces for what felt like hours. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Are you done yet and do you know where Lars is?" James yelled from behind the door. "Fuckin' hell." I sighed.

Lars went to the door and opened it and walked out shutting it. "She'll be out soon." Lars said in a pissed tone before I heard his feet patter away.

I grabbed my sweats and put them on along with my shoes. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail before grabbing his jacket and opening the door.

James was talking to a stage manager. "Now I'm ready!" I said, flipping him off. He flipped me off and we walked out to the van.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें