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Lars POV after she got in the car

"Bye gorgeous!" I yelled towards her as she shut her door. 'That was amazing!' I thought to myself. I get back into the van blushing intensely.

"Oh uh back to the club!" I said. Gale nodded (driver). I sat in the back thinking about what just happened. I just kissed Y/n. The gorgeous, calm with a wild side, Y/n. Me feeling this way was weird.

Every other time I've kissed or even fucked a girl I felt nothing. She made me feel something. I don't know what but something.

The driver pulls up to the club in the middle of my thought process. "Thanks." I said jumping out.

I walked into the club and sat down. "Hey you're back!" Kirk said with a smile. I smiled at him too. "Lars you're blushing, what happened?" Cliff said, taking another drink of his beer.

"We made out! Plus she told me I was handsome!" I said smiling and covering my face. "Oh shit you kissed her." James said, slamming his beer down with a grin on his face. "More like she kissed me!" I said, smiling at him.

"Wow you know maybe you should ask her to tour with us. You seem to actually like her. I haven't seen you like this since Lexi." James said. That name made my heart stop. "We don't talk about her James you know that!" Cliff said, defending me.

I rolled my eyes and got up to grab a beer. "Heineken please!" I said to the bartender. He handed it to me as I sat down to collect my thoughts.

Lexi was the one girl I loved. I gave her everything and she cheated on me with Dave. But as I thought about her I realized Y/n wasn't like her. Lexi was always rambunctious and a heavy drinker. Y/n was calm but liked to have a good time when she knew it was time too. She knew how to control herself. Lexi never controlled anything about herself but had to control me. Y/n was kind hearted, Lexi wasn't. I smiled at the thoughts of Y/n. I drank some and walked back to the table.

"You know Y/n isn't like Lexi. I think I really like her even if I don't know her that much!" I said sitting down. "Plus she is waaaaaay hotter!" Cliff said, chuckling.

I smiled and chuckled. "Alright let's go I don't want to be here anymore!" James said getting up and walking to the door. The rest of us followed. We got in the van and went to the hotel. 'Maybe I should ask her to tour with us!'.


A/n- made this small chapter to get Lars's feelings across but next chapter will be longer and maybe spicy.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now