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I woke to Lars's loud snores and a headache. I played with his messy hair while he sleeped. His face was so peaceful. I had to piss so bad. I didn't want to wake him up.

I lightly tapped him "Lars can you move off me I have to piss." I said softly. He snuggled into my chest more and held me tighter. I chuckled. I kissed him on the head. I decided to wait. I played with his hair thinking about what he said last night.

'Well this is how we'll probably sleep on the tour bus.'. I forgot I was going on tour with them. I was never told where I was gonna sleep so from what he said I'm guessing I'll be sleeping with him. Is everyone else gonna judge? Is it gonna be weird? My thoughts were interrupted by Lars rubbing his eyes as he woke up. He yawned and looked up at me.

"Good morning sleepy." I said, rubbing his head. "Good morning." he said, snuggling back into my chest. "Actually can you get off me I have to piss." I said, trying to move him. He sighed. "Only if you come back." he said, looking up at me. I nodded my head.

He moved over and let me go. I ran out the door into the bathroom. I took a piss and walked out. Kirk was sitting on the couch with a cup of hot tea. I walked back into Lars's room.

He looked at me as I slid back into bed. I layed down and he put his head on my chest snuggling into me again. "So what's happening with me touring with you guys. All you guys told me is that I would be." I said looking at him while playing with his hair.

"Oh um well we leave either tomorrow or the next day and um well I don't know we'll have to take the guys." he said looking up at me. "Uh ok. Plus last night you said that we would probably be sleeping like this on the bus so does that mean I'm sleeping with you?" I asked, smiling.

"Well we don't have an extra bunk and I would hope you don't want to sleep with the other guys." he said. "True." I said, rubbing his back now. "We'll talk to the rest of the guys." he said, snuggling back into my chest. I kissed him on the head.

<Small time skip>

We cuddled for another 30 mins falling asleep sometime in there. "Get up, you lovers!" James yelled from behind the door banging on it. I rubbed my eyes while getting up. Lars sat up stretching as I rolled off the bed to open the door.

"Oh fuck off!" I said opening the door and walking past James and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and tried to fix my frizzy hair. I splashed water on my face and walked out. Kirk and Cliff were on the couch while James went through the fridge.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked, sitting on the couch with them. "10:45." Kirk said, looking at his watch. I nodded. "Let's go get breakfast!" James said, slamming the fridge door.

"You guys can but I need to go home and get my shit together." I said rubbing my now throbbing head. Lars came out of the room with his hair back. "I'll walk you down." Lars said coming over to where I was sitting. "Ok thanks." I said getting up.

"Oh I gotta grab my shirt." I said walking over to Lars's room to grab it him right behind me. "It's cold out, let me get you a jacket." Lars said getting in his bag again. "No, I'll be ok." I said, looking for my shirt.

"No, I'm giving you it." he said, holding out a black bomber jacket that had Metallica on the back of it. I rolled my eyes and put it on. We put our shoes on and walked out of the room saying bye to all of them.

We walked down to my car silently. "Thank you for the jacket and shirt. I'll give them back." I said getting in my car. "Keep them. God knows I have a million of them." Lar said, opening my door.

I sat down and started my car. 'Just the Two of Us' was blasting again. Lars smiled at me. He leaned down and kissed me. "Bye Sweethear." he said, shutting my door. "Bye cutie." I said. I watched him go back into the hotel before driving off.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now