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After we finish we decided to go back to my house so they could see my apartment. "Uh it's a little messy." I said as I opened the door. "You should see our place!" Lars said as they came in.

"Make yourselves at home!" I said walking into the kitchen. "You guys want something. I got Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Heineken, chocolate milk, and water." I said looking through my fridge.

"I'll take a Heineken!" Lars said from my couch. "Me too!" Yelled Cliff and James. "Chocolate milk please and thank you!" Kirk said. I grabbed us all drinks and sat on the floor for them to have the couch that they barely fit on.

"So you guys want to watch something or what!" I asked opening my beer. "Let's play the game we played yesterday!" Cliff said, sipping his beer. "That's boring!" Lars said burping after he was done talking. "I'm gonna put on some music and you guys decide what we do. I walk into my room and out on 'Walk Among Us' by Misfits.

I walk back into them sitting there drinking their beers. "Truth or strip!" James said as I sat on the floor again. "Kirk, have you ever been caught jacking off?" James said, making Kirk answer him. "Yeah by Lars and by my mom. Y/n have you ever skinny dipped?" Kirk said.

"Hell yeah! My friends and I skinny dipped after our senior graduation!" I said. I looked at Lars. "Lars, which one of the fuckers is the hottest!" I asked.

"Well probably Kirk." He said, setting down his empty beer can. "James, have you ever tied a girl up? If so, how many?" Lars asked with a shit eating grin on his face.

James got up and took off his shirt. "Cliff, how many girls have you fucked over this year." James asked. Cliff stood up and took his denim jacket. "I can't count that many!" He said sitting down again.

"Lars, would you fuck Y/n?" Cliff said with a shit eating grin on his face. Lars went red and stood up and took his shirt off. I went red thinking about what he would have said.

"Kirk, who's the best chick you slept with?" Lats asked now on the couch. "You guys remember that girl Jessi from Boston? Her for sure?" He said then looked at me.

"Y/n how many guys have you fucked?" He asked with a grin on his face. I stood up and took my shirt off. "Cliff, if you had to fuck Lars or James, who would you chose?" I asked.

He got up and took off his shirt. "Neither!" He said with a pissed look on his face. I got up and walked over to get another beer. I grabbed a few for if the guys wanted another.

"Now, let's do dares but keep our clothes off cuz you know fuck it!" James said bored of truths. We all agreed. We went around a few times.

"Y/n, make out with the hottest guy here!" Clif said to me. I got up and walked over to Lars. I straddled his lap and pulled his lips into mine.

He bit my bottom lips. I softly moaned into his mouth for that. We made out for a good 3 minutes before I pulled away for air. He pulled me back in for more.

This time his tongue was in my mouth. I bit his bottom lip. He gripped on my waist tighter pulling me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck tighter. He pulled away to breathe. We looked into each other's eyes. His eyes glistened from the light.

"Holy shit!" James said, snapping me back into reality. I went bright red and got off Lars immediately. I walked through my room and into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm so embarrassed.

I tried to calm down a little and it helped a little but not enough. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the floor leaning against the couch best to where James was sitting. "Hey sorry." He said in a hushed voice.

I turned on the TV to MTV. "It's ok James. I just got embarrassed." I said in a hushed voice back. I looked over at Lars. He was looking at me. I smiled at him.

"Guys it's 3:00. We got 50 minutes. We should start heading back." Kirk said. The guys groaned and started getting up and putting their clothes on. I walked over to my shirt and put it on.

As they walked out Lars looked at me. "Hey guys I'll catch you when we leave. I'm gonna help clean up!" He said shutting the door and walking back in. He started to clean up some of the clans.

"Lars you don't have to! Go with them." I said taking them from his hand. I put them in the trash. He turned me around and slammed his lips into mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer but my waist. He pulled away to say "I was holding back earlier!" into my ear. "Don't!" I said going back to kissing him.

He slid his tongue into my mouth. He pushed  me against the wall. He pulled back. "As much as I want to keep this going we need to leave to make it back to the stadium in time." He said out of breath but sad.

"It's ok handsome. We can always continue after. You wanna drive?" I said as I moved to the counter to grab my keys. I was actually really wanting that to go on forever.

"Fuck yes!" He said. I threw the keys and he caught them. We walked out and left

A/n- I tried to spicy it up🤘😏

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora