🤘(Fourty Five)🤘

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"And now. CREEPING DEATH!" James screamed. We started playing and I was enjoying myself. I played as I flipped my hair.

"Slaves! Hebrew's born to serve! To the pharaoh! Head! To his every word! Live in fear! Faith! Of the unknown one! The deliverer! Wait! Something must be done! Four hundred years!" James sang holding up a four for four hundred years.

I played having the time of my life! James looked at me and the mic in front of me and nodded at me. I walked up to the mic.

"DIE! DIE! DIE!" I yelled in the mic as James sang his part. "DIE! DIE! MOTHER FUCKER DIE!" I yelled, my voice reaching a highish voice I never knew I had.

I walked back from the mic smiling. I looked up at Lars who was looking at me. I smiled and turned around to the crowd.

We finished the song and took a drink break. I sat on my amp looking at the crowd sipping my beer. "I LOVE YOU Y/N!" Someone yelled. They sounded familiar but I couldn't see the person so I ignored it.

James tapped my shoulder and I got up. "ARE YOU READY FOR HIT THE LIGHTS!" James shreaked into the mic. We started playing and the crowd went crazy.

"HIT THE LIGHTS! HIT THE LIGHTS! HIT THE LIGHTS!" James sang ending the song. The crowd was crazy. People we crowd surfing.

As we ended the song I saw a younger girl in the crowd up in the front. She was maybe 14. A man came over and tried to grab her. I ran up to the mic and screamed "LET HER GO!".

The man's eyes when he looked up at the stage and saw pissed me. He looked terrified. "Let her go!" I said, staring at him about to put my bass down.

The crowd seemed confused. I chucked my bass making an awful sound and jumped off stage. I grabbed him and punched him. "I TOLD YOU LET HER GO!" I said getting on top of him as I punched his face.

His blood was all over my hands. I got up and made sure she was ok. "Make sure she is safe or you'll end up like him." I said looking at a guard. He nodded and kept his eyes on her.

I walked back to go up on stage. The crowd cheered now knowing what had happened. I got back on stage and grabbed my bass.

Lars came up to me and handed me a towel to wipe my hands as they slightly terrified . "Thank you." I said looking at him. "You're fucking crazy! I love that about you!" He said grabbing, before walking back to his drums.

I walked up to the mic. "Sorry bout that!" I said into my mic. The crowd cheered! James looked at me and said into the mic "This girl is Kickass!". I smiled and fake curtsied towards the crowd. Kirk patted my back before going back to his spot.

"And know! FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS!" James yelled. A bell rang through the speakers. I played the notes as I head banged.

I soloed a little on the last one. I banged my head as everyone started playing with me. "Make his fight on the hill in the early day! Constant chill deep inside!" James sang his mouth fully on the mic.

We ran through the rest of the song. "THANK YOU MOTHER FUCKERS FOR COMING TO SEE US!" James yelled before walking backstage. "Thank y'all!" I said into my mic before hurrying off stage with Lars.

"You were kickass!" Lars said, trapping me in a tight hug. "You're too silly!" I said and he picked me up. His sweaty body held me as all my nerves went away. I buried my face into his neck feeling like crying.

Suddenly a chill hit my sweaty back making me realize I forgot my jacket out there. I pulled myself out of his embrace. "My jacket is out there! I'll be right back." I said running onstage.

The girl from before was still up in the front by a guard. "Hey!" I yelled at her hopping down to see her. "Oh! Thank you so much!" She said, wrapping me in a hug. "Of course sweetheart! Girl's protect girls." I said, squeezing her.

"Hey you should come backstage and meet the band!" I said, draping my jacket over me. "That would be awesome!" She said almost shrieking. I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstage.

"C'mon I bet everyone is changing." I said as we walked backstage.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now