🤘(Twenty Three)🤘

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^ I want that tattooed ❤️❤️❤️❤️

As the band said goodnight to the crowd I walked over to their rooms. "You guys were awesome!" I said as they came backstage. I gave them all hugs. "Hey so I'm grabbing drinks with Derek tonight and he wanted me to ask if you guys wanted to come." I said before they went into their rooms.

All of their answers were the same. "After I get all my shit packed". I went to find Derek again. "Hey the guys said after they get their shit ready for tomorrow." I said standing next to him.

"Alright let's go to 'Shenanigans' and they can come when they're done. I just got to finish a few things then we can leave." he said walking off and I walked towards the guys.

I told Cliff because he was the only one out yet. I began to head back towards Derek and that same guy pushed me knocked me flat on my ass.

"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM! THAT'S TWICE TONIGHT!" I screamed at him. He stopped and looked at me in disgust. At this point Lars and James were coming out of their rooms.

"Oh shut up you're just some dumb groupie trying to fuck the band." he said rolling his eyes. "Hey! You shut your fucking mouth!" Lars said come to my side, James and Cliff right behind him.

I felt the tears streaming out of my eyes as I got up. I walked over to him and slapped him. "You don't know shit about me. No, I'm not just some groupie. I am not a groupie at all. Why don't you talk to someone before you pass your judgment onto them." I said walking past him and towards where Derek was so I could leave.


I watched as Y/n walked off. I looked down at the man. He just sat there. "What the hell is focking wrong with you! You don't know shit about her! I should beat the fock out of you!" I yelled to get closer to him. I tried to walk up to him but James pulled me away as Cliff shoved the guy on.

When I got away from that guy I thought it was best to go find her but the guys told me to get ready so we can pack and go see her faster.

The whole time I thought about what just happened. Did she think I just saw her as a groupie?  That she was just a meaningless toy to me? That she was nothing to me and the band?

We all cared about her. How she felt. If she's doing ok. We all love how she could keep us in line while we all still had fun.

I cared for her so much. We haven't known each other very long but it feels like it's been years since we have known each other. We are so close and I wish I could just be with her forever. She was perfect in every way.

I love her smile. I love her laugh. I love her gorgeous eyes. I love the way she looks at me. I love HER.


I walked up to Derek crying. "Let's go drink!" I said smiling. He didn't question and we drove to the bar. We walked in and went straight to Kelly. Kelly was our friend that owned the bar. "

Hey Kelly give me a Jäger please!" I said sitting down. "A rum and coke for me." Derek said sitting next to me. She nodded and started making them.  "Had a rough day?" she asked, handing us our drinks.

Derek turned to me. "I was telling the band something then I went to go tell Derek something and this douche pushed me over for the second time. The first I cut my self." I said, showing them my hand.

"The band came out cuz I yelled at him. He told me to shut up cuz I was just a groupie. I was so mad that I didn't even hear what Lars yelled at the guy. I told him off and ran to Derek." I said looking into my glass.

"Wait Metallica. That's the band you were backstage with!" She said getting excited. She loved them. "Yeah I'm going on tour with them too." I said smiling at that. "THATS AWESOME!" She said making someone else their drink.

I smiled as I finished my drink. I sat the glass down and Kelly swiped it up making me another one. "But what he said hurt. Is that how they feel about me? Do they think I'm just a dumb groupie!" I said beginning to cry.

Derek rubbed my back and Kelly was making drinks. I chugged another glass trying to avoid these feelings.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now