🤘(Thirty Eight)🤘

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Lars opened the door of the van for me. "Thank you Lars." I said while smiling at him. He nodded and got in behind me. He put his arm around me as I laid my head on his shoulder. 'Die, Die My Darling' by Misfits was playing. I tapped to the song on my thigh.

The lights from the streets light up Lars's face so perfectly. His eyes glistened as his bright smile lit up his face. I grabbed his cheek and kissed him softly. He stared into my eyes with so much love and care. He pulled me closer and put my head on his chest.

Soon we pulled up to 'The Carousel' roller skating rink.

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Yes it is and actual place

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Yes it is and actual place. I love going there. I based it off there.

We thanked the driver and walked in. "How many and how long?" asked the women at the counter. She had curly blonde hair and an attitude I didn't like.

"Two for two hours and we'll be renting skates." Lars said, grabbing his wallet. "$35." She said grabbing Purple wristbands and tickets for skates. Lars handed her the money and we walked to get our skates.

We put them on and as Lars went to stand up his skates slipped out from under him. I laughed as I helped him up and got him steady. "So I'm guessing you're not too good at skating?" I said, smiling at him. He smiled to say yes.

"Hold my hands, I had to for my waitress job." I said as I skated backwards towards the rink. They had colorful lights everywhere and were playing 'Beat It' by Michael Jackson.

I let go of Lars's hands. "Now push out like this." I said, showing him the motion. He started to do the same thing. "Now to stop do this." I said showing him before starting to skate around. Lars tried to keep up.

As he started to skate fast up to me he tried to slow down but he fell flat on his ass. I turned around and helped him up.

We skated around, Lars was getting the hang of it. 'Just the Two of Us' started playing. I grabbed Lars's hand and skated with him to the song. "When I think of you sometime, and I wanna spend some time with you." I sang lightly with the song.

Lars looked at me and smiled. "Just the two of us, we can make it if we try, just the two of us." We sang together. "Just the two of us!" I sang really high with the girl. Lars chuckled at me. We skated as the song played.

As the song ended Lars dragged me to the concession stand. "Can I get two diet cokes?" Lars said to the man. The guy nodded and grabbed them when Lars gave him the money. We drank our cokes while talking.

"Finally just us." I said to him, "Thank focking god! Like I love those guys, they're my best friends but god they can get annoying." He said. I smiled at him while nodding. I slammed the rest of my drink and threw it away. Lars had already finished his.

I went back out and went as fast as I could. Lars raced after me, almost hitting people. I looked back and laughed. His white teeth and big eyes glistened as he smiled. When I finally slowed down he came up and put his arm around me.

"Sup sexy!" He said, sounding like a surfer dude. I side eyed him, "Hey daddy!" I said like a bimbo. His face went red. I skated off with the biggest smile on my face.

I felt my sock slipping so I went to sit down and fix it. "Hey baby!" some guy said as he skated up to me. I didn't say anything. "Hello?" He yelled, waving his hand in my face. I looked up at him and looked down.

"So you're just gonna ignore me? Fine then bitch! You're ugly anyways." He said before turning to leave. "I don't talk to men that talk to me for bimbo attention because I'm not a bimbo. And if I'm ugly then why did you come up to me and start hitting on me?" I said as I started tying my skate still not looking up.

He turned around. "What the fuck did you just say to!" He yelled. I looked up and said, "You heard me. Otherwise you would've left." I said it still monotone. He scoffed and walked off.

Just then Lars came up to me. "Who the fock is that!" He said, looking at me. "A random guy that attempted to hit on me. I put him in his place." I said while getting up.

Just then 'Dancing Queen' by ABBA came on. "I love this song!" I said skating onto the floor. Everyone was piling off. Me and some others were on the floor. I skated around with the flow of the song.

"And when you get the chance. You are the dancing queen! Young and sweet! Only seventeen!" I sang along with the song. Many people were staring at me. "Dancing Queen! Feel the beat from the tambourine, oh yeah!". In my mind I was the only one alive in the room. I felt free.

Lars POV

I watched Y/n skate away from me as others came off the floor. She swayed with the music so perfectly. How the lights reflected off her was magical. My eyes were glued to her. She looked so perfect and free.

"You are the Dancing Queen! Feel the beat from the tambourine!" The song sang. She really is the dancing queen in this moment. She seems so happy out there being herself and she's more than beautiful doing it. She flowed with the song so well. She's so perfect and I just want her to be mine, I thought to myself.

At the end of the song she started spinning in the same spot in the middle of the floor under the disco ball. Once the song ended she skated back over to me with a smile on her face. I can't wait till she's mine.


After the song ended I skated back to Lars. "You amaze me everyday." He said, stroking my cheek with his thumb. He pulled me closer and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him. He pulled away and kissed my forehead.

I took his hand and dragged onto the floor again. I held his hand and we skated around. "Alright everybody, at this time we will be couple skating, so find you a partner!" someone said through the speakers.

I took Lars's other hand and skated backwards in front of him. 'Take On Me' by a-ha started to play. I smiled as me and Lars skated together. Soon the song ended and me and Lars got off the rink. We sat down for the next song.

"We should probably be going soon." Lars said. "One more song." I said. The song ended and 'Edge of Seventeen' by Stevie Nicks started. I skated onto the rink and started to flow with the song as I skated.

I looked at Lars, his eyes watched me with a smile on his face. I smiled at him and continued with the song. Lars never took his eyes off me. His stare didn't bother me, his eyes on me made me comfortable and loved.

Once the song ended I skated over to him to take off my skates. He had his off so when I took mine off he took them back to the rental stand. He came back as I got done lacing up my skates.

"We're gonna go back to the bus to change." Lars said as we walked out. I nodded at him. He held the door open for me. Once we were in we headed back to the bus.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now