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"Thank you everyone!" James growled into the mic heading off stage. Cliff came off first. He went straight into his dressing room. Can't blame him, I bet he's tired. Then came Kirk.

"Hey! Y/n what are you doing back here already?" Kirk asked coming over for a hug. He smelt like sweat and beer. "Oh some guy was touching me and the guards came and grabbed him." I said as Gareth (The guard that led me back here) came back with an ice pack. I had a red mark on my cheek and they insisted I needed an ice pack but I was fine.

"What! Are you ok?" he asked, now worried. Lars came back now drenched in sweat. He twirled his drum sticks in his hand. It was kinda hot.

"Oh hey Y/n. What the fock happened to you?" He asked coming over and sat next to me. "Some guy grabbed and hit me but Gareth was there to help." I said looking at Gareth. He blushed and walked off. "Oh shit. I hope you're ok." He said looking me in the eyes. I blushed realizing he was sitting so close to me.

"We'll be right back, we gotta go shower and change. You can go in the group room tho." Kirk said getting up and pulling lars with him. I got up and walked into the room. I sat on the red couch in the room as I waited.

"Are you ready to leave?" Lars came into the room. "Where are the others?" I asked standing up. "Already in the van. They told me to come get you." he said as we walked out the room.

As we got to the van Lars opened the door for me to get in. I squeezed into the van then Lars barely was able to fit. "Sorry for the tight squeeze. We can't drive the bus around everywhere tho." James said while looking sorry. "Oh it's ok." I said.

"So tell us more about yourself." Cliff said moving over a little for maybe some more room but it didn't help. "Well I grew up here. I got into metal at a young age. My mom has always expected me but my dad not so much, I mean he tries but I know he's not fond of it." I said something to answer the question.

"Are you single?" Lars asked, looking me in the eyes. We were smooshed in so we were really close together. "Well actually I just broke up with my boyfriend last night. He cheated on me and said we were done." I said emotionless. "Oh shit I'm sorry!" Lars said sorry for what he said.

"No it's whatever. He was a piece of shit anyways! For all I care he's dead on the side of the road!" I said, barely throwing my arms up because of the tight space. They all laughed.

The van stopped and Lars opened the door and helped me out. "Thank you Lars!" I said after I was out. "No problem!" he said then walked in with me leaving the guys behind.

A/n- Hope you like this update. I've been trying to find ways to make them closer.🤘

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now