🤘(Twenty Two)🤘

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A/n- hey just wanted to say thank you for those who have stuck around and I'm really trying to get this book going but I'm an over explainer. Thank you guys so much and look at our lord and savior CLIFF BURTON❤️❤️❤️^


I waved to them and went back to packing. The guys helped me with some clothes and some outfits because I didn't want them seeing my underwear and bras. Even though Lars has seen and will eventually see more.

I had all my clothes and other things on my bed. I stuffed them into my suitcase. I grabbed my makeup bag and stuffed it into my duffle bag. I had everything but my shoes. I grabbed my red and my black Converse, my combat boots, and my white high top Reeboks. I stuffed them into my duffle bag and zipped it up.

I loaded all of it into my car. As I was bringing my bass and amp to the car Linda came out. "Oh hey linda!" I said dragging my amp to my car. "Hey were you going?" she asked, helping me drag my amp down stairs. "Oh well I'm going on tour with Metallica. Hey, do you mind watching over my apartment making sure no one tries to steal or anything." I said once we got to my car. "Oh sure, have fun." she said going back upstairs. I loaded it into my car and drove off to the stadium.

When I got there I parked in the back by their van. I walked backstage and saw Derek. "Hey D!" I said walking towards him. "Hey Y/n!" he said walking up to me giving me a hug.

"How you wanna grab some drinks later?" he said letting me go and going back to what he's doing. "Oh I can't. I'm going on tour with the band and they said we're leaving tonight." I said scratching my head. "Oh shit really! Well have fun and come see me before you leave." he said, patting me on the back. "See ya!!" I said walking towards the dressing rooms.

I went to the tuning room where I guessed they were. "Hey guys!" I said walking in. They all said hey as I sat down on the ground. "Hey before we start, just want to say we are actually leaving at 5 tomorrow morning." James said plugging in his amp. I nodded and they went to practicing.

After they were done they all started filing out. Lars came up to me and kissed me then walked out. Cliff did that eyebrow move while he walked out. I punched him as we walked out. I found Gareth and made him open the pit for me and when the concert was over too. Soon the band piled on stage.

"What's up you mother FUCKERS!" James screamed into the mic. The crowd went crazy. I began to yell and sing with them throughout the concert. Half way through I decided I wanted to go backstage. Gareth let me in and I went to find Derek.

He was standing backstage making sure unauthorized people didn't get in. "Hey D. Oh so the band ain't leaving till the morning so we can get drinks tonight." I said. "Oh cool. Hey if the guys don't have something planned they can come." Derek said facing me. "Oh I'll ask when they get off stage." I said. He nodded and I walked off.

I was walking to the room with the red couch when one of the bouncers ran past me shoving me into the wall. "Thanks a lot JACKASS!" I yelled, flipping him off. He pushed me into something sharp and I cut across my whole palm. I walked into the room and went through the drawers looking for gauze or bandages but there wasn't any. I cursed to myself as my hand went to bleed more. I grabbed a cloth that was sitting on the counter and covered it.

I went into Lars's room and went through one of the drawers hoping there would be something but instead there was a condom. I shut that door and looked through other ones filled with hair products and other random crap.

I walked out and found Derek, my hand now bleeding through the cloth. "Hey you got some bandages?" I said, showing him my hand. He nodded and chuckled, bringing me to the back as someone took his place. "So what happened?" Derek said, wrapping my hand after he cleaned it. "Some douche pushed me out of the way and I cut my hand on something sharp." I said, rolling my eyes. He chuckled as he finished.

I hugged him as a thank you and walked back to the room with the red couch.


A/n- hey sorry this was just kinda fill. Next chapter I want to make spicy but idk yet cuz I suck a writing that and it makes me a little uncomfortable. So sorry if there isn't any.🤘

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Where stories live. Discover now