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I walked into my apartment ready to take a shower. I took off my shoes and started the shower. I got undressed and looked in the mirror.

There was a hickey that made an L on my chest. I rolled my eyes and got in the shower. I washed all the sweat off me. I kept my hair dry not wanting to deal with it.

I got out and put some comfy clothes on. A pair of shorts not too short, and a Judas Priest shirt. I put my hair up lightly and put my shoes on. "I'll grab some beer so I'm not empty handed." I said grabbing a 20 off my dresser. I put on my shoes and headed out the door.

I pulled up to the liquor store. I grabbed a 24 pack of Heinken and a 24 pack of Budweiser. I paid for them and walked out. I parked my car at the hotel and walked inside.

James and Cliff were walking around pretty drunk, Kirk was sitting in a chair reading a horror comic, and Lars was sitting next to Kirk bugging him. I walked over to Kirk and Lars. "Quit bugging him, he's trying to read. Probably something you haven't done since 6th grade." I said, rolling my eyes at that last part.

Lars looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. "Oh and you have. Plus why'd you bring beer?" he said, rolling his eyes.

I put my hand on my hip and said, "Actually I just finished 'The Other' by Tom Tryon and because we don't want to run out.". "That's a pretty good book." Kirk said, still reading his comic.

Lars rolled his eyes. "Ok let's get this shit show in the hotel room!" I said turning to grab Cliff and James.

After me and Kirk got them all in the elevator and into their hotel room we all sat in the living room part. James turned the tv to a movie channel. 'Never Ending Story' was on. "Oh I heard this movie is good!" I said leaning on the couch. Lars sifted on the couch to move closer to me.

"Let's watch it." Jame said coming over with beers for all of us. He handed me and Lars a Heineken, Kirk a Coors I'm guessing was in the fridge and him and Cliff both had Budweiser. We all sat there talking and watching the movie.

I put my head on Lars' shoulder. He looked down at me then back at the tv. He put his arm around me and played with my hair. I saw Kirk side eyed us with a smile. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna get blunt , who wants some of it?" Cliff said, getting up. All of us accept Kirk who was half asleep still side eyeing me and Lars, with his beer in his hand. Cliff went into his room and came back with two fat blunts and a lighter.

Lars Ulrich x Y/n~~~~~~ My dummer❤️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt