𝑺𝒆𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑳𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

Start from the beginning

"It's not black." Dahlia points out with furrowed eyebrows. She thought her signature colour was supposed to be black?

"No, it's not." Alaric responds with a small hint of a smirk. "It's blue... For your ally."


"Now, the gamemakers will try and lure you in at the very beginning for an exciting start." Alaric explains as he and Dahlia stand side by side in the elevator. "They place tons of gear in the mouth of the Cornucopia. Swords, axes, spears. You name it, it's there. That's where the Careers will take charge and show their dominance. Try and avoid the bloodbath if you can. Grab whatever's closest to you, find Cove and get the hell out of there."

"We can't take on the Careers if we don't have any weapons." Dahlia explains, looking to her mentor for his next advice.

"You and Cove plan on hunting down the Careers?" Alaric asks, shocked at the daring nature of their plan. Not many tributes will actively seek out the Careers. Most will spend their entire time hiding from them.

"It's either hunt or be hunted." Dahlia states darkly. "We'd rather target them than become targets ourselves. If we play it smart, we can pick them off one by one." Alaric stares at the girl he's come to love as his own over the last few days, wondering how anyone could doubt her ability to win. Dahlia notices the man's stare. "What?"

He pulls her into a fatherly embrace, kissing the top of her hair. "You're gonna be just fine in there. I know it." Dahlia doesn't want to let go but they are forced to separate all too soon. The elevator doors slide open to reveal the hovercraft waiting ahead of them. They step out, armed guards on either side ensuring she doesn't try to run. "I'm afraid this is where I must leave you."

Dahlia panics at that, hurriedly exclaiming, "No." Tears spring to her eyes and threaten to spill but Alaric shushes her gently.

"You are my Victor." He murmurs to her as he grabs her arms. "You can do this. I'll see you on the other side." He grasps one of Dahlia's hands in his own, raising it up between them and squeezing three times. Dahlia inhales deeply to calm herself before squeezing back. Then she's on her own.

The hovercraft is metallic and cold as Dahlia sits down calmly. She doesn't look around at any of the other tributes, too focused on keeping herself composed. No one speaks, the tension is so thick you could slice it with a sword. Dahlia barely flinches as the tracker is injected into her arm, lost in her own thoughts. She doesn't even glance up from the floor until the lights go dim and the hovercraft takes flight. Her stomach sinks in realisation. No more training. No more smiling and waving. No more preparation. Her life could end today.

The journey goes by far too quickly and soon Dahlia finds herself in a dull changing room. Juno is there waiting. "Oh, my little flower petal." She coos, rushing forward to give the girl a hug. Dahlia uncomfortably pats the woman's back before Juno lets her go. "Now, the outfit." Dahlia was already dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt and full-length cargo pants with hiking boots laced up on her feet. Her hair had been tied back in a simple low ponytail to keep it out of her face. Juno passes over a fleece sweater and a thin jacket. "The jacket is waterproof and the sweater is thermal. You've got lots of layers, so my guess is you'll be in an environment where the weather or temperature will change. The boots have thick soles but are flexible. So, probably a rocky terrain. Possibly large cliffs or mountains."

"Thank you, Juno." Dahlia mutters, forcing a small smile onto her face. Juno returns it, although her eyes begin to water.

"I didn't know it would be this hard letting a tribute go." She mumbles sadly, smoothing her hands down Dahlia's arms.

"Thirty seconds." An automated voice announces, making Dahlia's heart begin to race. Juno hurriedly pins the blue token to the inside of Dahlia's jacket before zipping it up.

"You're my first ever tribute, Dahlia." Juno reminds the girl. "I hope you're my first Victor as well."

Dahlia nods with uncertainty. "I'll try."

"Twenty seconds." The female voice declares once more. Dahlia's whole body trembles as she makes her way to the tube in the corner of the room. Her legs shake so badly she fears they may collapse. But Juno holds her shoulders securely, guiding the girl all the way. She steps inside on wobbly feet before turning back to face Juno.

"Thank you for everything." Dahlia whispers faintly to the woman who had helped to create a character that would survive the games.

Juno's smile is more genuine than anything Dahlia has seen in the Capitol. "This isn't a goodbye. It's a 'see you later'."

"Ten seconds."

Dahlia forces a weak smile onto her face in return. "See you later." The glass tube seals shut with a slow hiss, sealing Dahlia's fate with it.

Don't panic. Stay calm. Become the Black Dahlia. She chants to herself like a mantra, shutting her eyes as she slows her breathing.

Then the platform begins to rise.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲 𝑫𝑨𝑯𝑳𝑰𝑨, 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒊𝒓Where stories live. Discover now