"Uh, no? Maybe we should stay down here for a bit?"

"Yeah, no. See ya."

He stood up and walked away. Finding another girl to fuck. I looked to my right and saw Ax dancing with someone, but his eyes were looking at Brody's retreating figure.

He let go of the girl, who I realize is Jayden, and he started walking over to me.

"Why were you talking to him?!" He demands, grabbing my wrist. He pulls me close to him and I can smell him. His amazingly amazing scent. I couldn't even form coherent thoughts.


"Avery, tell me?! Are you fucking around with Brody?"

"N..o... I'm not...I-"

"Really cause thats what it seemed like. Avery I can't let you do that. It's a mistake and he doesn't deserve you and I just want to do what's best for you!" He yelled, getting me pissed.

"Well, yelling at me in front of all of your friends and humiliating me is definitely best." I deadpanned, "I. Don't. Need. You. To. Control. Me. I'm not even yours. " I yelled back, making every, if they weren't already, look at us.

"Then be mine."

"What- no- wait." I stuttered, not understanding.

"No?" He started backing away, pushing through people.

"No wait! Yes. Goddamnit. Let me be yours!"


Jr year
Axel's pov

As I got downstairs, I kissed Mums cheek and grabbed a apple from our kitchen island. Isaac was sitting doing homework he didn't do last night.

"Are you ready, Ass?"

"Don't use those words with your brother." Mum said, slapping my arm.

"Sel! Do you know where my keys are? I can't find them! They're not on the table. Oh, boys shouldn't you be at school?" Momma said, walking into the kitchen.

"We're leaving soon. We can be late one day." I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair. I grabbed my backpack and keys from by the front door and walked out.

Avery was sitting outside when I got out, and she ran into my arms. She giggled into my ear and I smiled, my face almost breaking in half.

"Why are you here, mon soleil?" I asked, setting her down on the pavement.

"I'll never get used to you taking French all of high school. Anyway, my dad's still in the car with Rosie, Dorian, and Rayne. Sel is coming with him to take them to school and then they're doing shopping, or something." She waved it off, and I looked past her and parked on the street was her father's Range Rover.

"Oh ok. I mean I can take your siblings if you'd like." I smiled, and she shook her head as Isaac came out of the house.

"My love." Avery said dramatically, running into Isaacs arms like she'd done to me a few minutes prior.

"Mi amor." He said just as dramatically.

"I can see while you guys take drama together." I rolled my eyes, pulling Avery away and tucking her into my side. "Which isn't even possible because Isaac doesn't go to our school."

"Just cause I'm a prodigy at theatre, doesn't mean you need to be salty, big bro." He said sarcastically. I slapped him and Avery laughed, which was my favorite sound.

"And about my siblings, dad promised them donuts so they wouldn't come if we begged them." Avery looked up at me, kissing my lips softly.

"Donuts?" Isaac asked with wide eyes. "Bye!" He called, running to my Harry's car. Mum then came out of the house all ready to go shopping with Harry.

Broken Family (Larry M-Preg)✔︎Where stories live. Discover now