.Chapter Seven.

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[A/N: not edited]

"Gerard...wake up!" Frank whispered, poking Gerard in the nose. "It's ten, come on, your mom wants to see you."

Gerard mumbled something incoherent and rolled onto his other side, so he was facing the wall, but his eyes still closed and his bed to comfortable and warm to get up.

"Fine." Frank mumbled and jumped out of the bed, his feet padding softly against the carpeted floor until the door opened and shut behind him.

That's when Gerard sat up and took every chord that had stayed connected to his skin at night and threw them off before hopping out of bed and locking the door.

Who had gotten him out of his clothes? Who'd gotten him into new clothes?

Gerard's eyes widened when he looked down at his arms to see he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and his wrists were bandaged. Who'd seen his arms? Gerard lifted up his shirt a little and slid his pants down a little bit also to see that he had bandages around his waist too, dammit.

Gerard sighed and took his clothes off before getting into new ones and making sure that the long sleeve shirt was covering the cream colored gauze around his wrists and opened the door and tried to get out of the house before anyone of them saw him.

But someone cleared their throat behind him and Gerard dropped his head and let his hand fall from the doorknob. "Dammit..."

Gerard turned around to see his mom looking at him with a sad look. "Why Gerard..?"

"Is Mikey here or did he leave already?" Gerard asked changing the topic and looked to the clock that hung on the wall.

"He left. Gerard, don't try to change the subject." Donna said sternly. "What's up with your wrists?"

"What about my wrists?" Gerard asked with a confused face. "there's nothing wrong with my..." He saw that his mom was not buying his bullshit for a second. "Don't question me, women!" He yelled and ran right out the front door and down the street.

He wasn't not saying anything because of the sudden attention he was getting from his mom, he wasn't doing it to make a scene, he just didn't want anybody to know anything that they barely even knew in the first place. They didn't even know what they saw or if the nurses told them something that could've been a lie.

Gerard ran to the familiar, but tacky colored house and knocked at the door frantically, surely if his mom came after him then she'd know that this is the place he'd go. If she was smart enough...

"Gerard...what's wrong?" Ray asked, looking at the panicked look painted upon the boys face. "Come in." He opened the door without even knowing what was wrong with him.

"Ray- are your parents home?" Gerard panted, bending down and resting the palm of his hands on his knees from the one and a quarter mile run.

Ray shook his head silently and closed with door with a click before walking into the living room and beckoning Gerard to follow.

"What's wrong?" He asked, siting down and patting the spot next to me.

Gerard say down and looked at his hands. "My mom uh...she suddenly wants to know all about my life, as in what's wrong with my wrists or what I'm doing or why I lock my door. I just hate that just because something's wrong with me that could wind up affecting her in the future she all of a sudden wants to know why..."

"She must be crazy- you never ask a boy why they lock their door." Ray chuckled, making Gerard giggled softly.

"Yeah...last night I almost drowned my self, and it wasn't even on purpose. I didn't mean to and was very close to dying in the process." Gerard looked up to Ray and couldn't help but let a few tears fall down his face.

Ray didn't say anything as he scooted over and pulled Gerard into a friendly hug. "It's not your fault- how'd it happen though?"

"It was yesterday morning, Frank and Mikey were irritated with me because I wouldn't talk to any of them and they would make fun of me or glare at me, so I went to the lake and step in, right into the deepest part apparently and when I sunk down to the bottom, I wasn't able to get up from the bottom of the lake, dude, it's deeper then it looks."

Ray sighed. "Did you have fresh cuts? Were any bleeding?"

Gerard thought for a minute and gave a small nod.

"You could've died from several things man. Be careful...you could've died from all the water you choked on in your mouth and nose and the water mixing in the blood in your wrists..." Ray glanced down further, "or hips."

Gerard looked away and started sobbing. "I'm such a fuck up, Ray."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I could've died three different ways when I wasn't even trying, my mom hates me and my new step-brother and my actual brother, the only person I live with that even likes me is Franklin and and we haven't spoken ten words to each other."

"Dude, I'm here for you. I don't like this habit of yours, but if it helps then I'm not gonna try to stop you- I will, however, put a stop to it if the cuts get deeper or if you resort to other things like you used to- and your one stubborn fucker, but I love you like a brother and I'll be here any time you need a shoulder to cry on." Ray hugged Gerard again. "You understand?"

Gerard nodded. "Now I feel like a shitty friend."

"Why?" Ray asked, running a hand through Gerard's hair.

"Because your always here for me, but I'm always to busy with my problems to be there for you..."

"Gerard, I never really need much help with anything, but I promise- and I mean this, you will be the first that I go to, okay?"

Gerard nodded just as there was a knock at the front door.

Ray glanced at Gerard before getting up and answering the door. "Hello...who are you?"

Gerard got up from the couch and walked over and his behind Ray.

"I'm Frank- Gerard's step-brother, is-is he here?" Frank asked, slightly fidgety.

"I'm right here." Gerard mumbled quietly, scaring the other two and making them jump slightly. "Why are you here?"

"Dad and your mom sent me looking for you, she gave me the address and said you'd be here." Frank held up a piece of paper. "Come with me. I promise we don't have to go home, we can go anywhere, just...come with me." He begged with wide eyes.

How could Gerard ignore those eyes?

"Bye Ray." Gerard hugged Ray and waved. "I'll see you later, yeah?"

He smiled and nodded before closing the door.

"Where do you wanna go?" Frank asked as they walked down the stone path.

"We can go get you that paint?"

Frank grinned. "Sounds like a plan."


Sorry if this is more depressing then you though it'd be, it's still good, right?

And guess what? I discovered that Nirvana is a great band. I've known about them but never really gave them a chance, but now; a flipping amazing band!

~ Frnkiero and the Lemons

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