.Chapter Three.

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[A/N: I plan to start reading through my chapters to make sure they look okay, from now on..]

It seemed to be hours until Frank finished bringing out the last of the boxes he wanted (or needed) but when he got in the car and buckled up, Gerard was definitely ready to leave. So he started up the car and drove like a madman back to his house and ending up in the driveway 7 minutes later.

Gerard didn't care if cops saw him, if kids lay dead on the sidewalk or if buildings were crashed into. As long as he and Frank got home safe, then Gerard was a-okay.

"Do you need help?" Gerard asked, letting go of the steering wheel and falling back against to the seat and looking over to Frank who was staring wide eyed and looking awfully green. "Sorry...." He apologized with a sheepish smile.

"Um...s'okay, and yeah, you can help - I mean - if you want." Frank added and got out of the car while Gerard unbuckled and popped the trunk and got out himself, walking to where Frank stood. "Grab those boxes, I'll get these."

Gerard nodded and grabbed them. "Mom and your dad won't be home tonight." Frank looked over in confusion. "Honeymoon, remember. They won't be back until Monday morning."

Frank shrugged and closed the trunk and followed Gerard up to the house and through the front doors. "My room?"

"Up here." Gerard smiled tromped up the stairs a little slower then usual because of the boxes and stopped at the door that had large letters that spelt 'Frank' in red on the white door. "Here you go."

Gerard pushed the door open and set the boxes down, Frank's bed was already set up and most of his dresser was scattered around in the corner. It was a mess, really.

"Uh...do you know if your mom will let me paint the walls?" Frank asked. "I would like to paint them dark blue..."

Gerard nodded. "Yeah, she won't mind..." He crossed his arms and scowled. "And I'll have to help you, you know?"

Frank giggled. "Yup, and I'm looking forward to watching you slave around, anyway...I'm tired. Goodnight." He waved and shut the door behind Gerard.

Gerard walked away from the door and to his own room where he walked to the stereo and put in his Smashing Pumpkins CD and turned it to Bullet With Butterfly Wings.

He then jumped into bed and pulled out his Fangoria comic books and began humming the tune of the song.


Frank opened the box labeled 'clothes' and pulled them out, laying them on the bare mattress.

He went to put the drawers back in the dresser so he'd actually be able to put the clothes away when music blared from the next room. What?

Frank recognized the song, and so badly wanted to go over there and talk to him about this, but no, Frank didn't like Gerard.

Instead, Frank just yanked off the jacket and unbuttoned the white dress shirt, throwing it off and it landing wherever and walked over to his bed and putting on a faded red t-shirt.

"Frank?" The door opened and Gerard shrieked. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry." The door slammed shut and Frank blushed, damn, he had no pants on. He'd been in the middle of pulling them down when the door opened.

Frank grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and his Misfits jacket before leaving the room. He was not in the mood for unpacking right now.

"Frank...I'm sorry." Gerard apologized, his hands covering his face and red coating his cheeks. "I-I didn't know."

Frank giggled and covered his mouth with both of his palms. "It's okay Gerard, you only saw me in my boxers...I was only changing out of that uncomfortable suit...now, what did you need?" He asked, crossing his arms and switching his weight to one foot and tapping it slightly impatient.

"Food!" Gerard blurted suddenly, making Frank jump at the sudden loudness. He blushed. "I mean - sorry - are you hungry? I can order a pizza?"

Frank thought for a moment before shrugging, "yeah, I guess. But no meat...and don't yell- it's weird." Frank gave Gerard a weird look and walked downstairs, ignoring the red that painted Gerard's face.


Dinner was silent, there was no noise except the background if the TV; which was on the old MTV that played older music videos.

Frank would look up and catch Gerard's gaze, he'd blush, then look back down at his paper plate with a stupid grin.

"Mikey's supposed to be here tomorrow." Gerard half-whispered. "He's awesome. You'll like him- I'm sure of it."

All Frank could do was nod and not look up at Gerard. If he was home he wouldn't have to deal with this awkwardness, if he was home he would be watching TV with his dad and laughing, he wouldn't have to worry about the fact that he has two new step-brothers and step-mom that he barely even knows.

"Are you okay?" Gerard asked suddenly, looking over to Frank with a worried expression. Was it real though? Did Gerard even really care about Frank? Or was it just because they were now a...family?

Frank looked up and he almost melted at the sight of Gerard, just the look in his eye told him that it wasn't just because they were family. Gerard actually did care about what Frank was thinking and feeling. So instead of just saying 'nah, I'm good' Frank set down the pizza and looked  Gerard straight in the eye.

"Do you really want to know, Gerard?" Frank asked slowly, he nodded. "I'm just a little pissed off because I have a new family that I don't even like, I don't know you, but I can already tell that your a piece of shit...so just shut the fuck up and don't talk to me, that goes for your mother and brother too." He sighed and looked back down at the pizza and took a bite.

And he completely ignored when Gerard abruptly stood from the couch, threw down what he was holding and ran up the stairs with quiet and stifled sobs. Should Frank care that he made a 17 year old boy cry?

No...because 17 year old boys shouldn't be crying because someone told them they were a piece of shit.


So...17 year old boys aren't really pieces of shit, or at least not all of them, I haven't meant one. But I don't tend to talk to 17 year old boys...so third chapter!

Question: Do you think Frank could've been a bigger dick to Gerard? Do you think he was a little bit too pissy?

~ Frnkiero and the Lemons

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