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You know, it's kind of hard to forget someone when their bedroom was right across from yours. When they smiled at you every time you made eye contact, the step-brother that you lost your virginity too. Frank couldn't see how he could forget Gerard all that easily when - whether they were on good terms or not - Gerard had been Frank's life for several months. But sadly that ended too soon.

When you lose your dad and step-brother/boyfriend in a matter of a week or two. Then have a funeral for the both of them at the same time. It fucking sucked.

And at a few moments, Frank was pretty sure he was gonna die himself; not only from the sadness and depression of losing two loved ones, but from dehydration.

Frank was a total mess. If he wore anymore eyeliner, it would turn his face the color of the eyeliner he was wearing, now he was glad he never wore mascara. That would be a mess.

And Frank found that this specific spot in the cemetery was his favorite place to be - for the past few months anyway. Whenever he was pissed, sad, depressed or even lonely, this is where he found himself.

He also found himself not eating, or showering or communicating with anyone - not even Mikey who now lived full time with Donna and him because he didn't want go see his dad anymore; claiming that he was also a big part of his brothers death.

Which, to be honest, he was.

But anyway, that's where Frank found himself right now. Sitting in front of the dark gray headstone that had Gerard's name, birthdate and deathdate.

"Gerard, do you know how much I miss you?" Frank asked, leaning his back on the stone and pulling his knees to his chest. "A fuckin' lot if you are wondering."

"Are you happier, are you still happy, like you said were you were?"

"Sometimes I wonder his it feels to die - I still feel like it should be me. You're so innocent and I'm - I have all this guilt on my back and I swear everyday I'm are risk for breaking my back."

He chuckled and picked at the grass. "I've always hated one-sided conversations."

Frank sighed and switched to his side, his head still resting on the gravestone. "People are gonna start thinking I'm crazy."

Frank kissed the gravestone and stood up. "Bye Gerard - I'll see you soon."


Frank stood at the edge of the grass with his hands stuffed in his pocket as he looked into the water, and the longer he stared, the more delusional he became.

A shape started forming in the water and it wasn't his.

The black hair, the pale arms, the thin waist and long legs, he was sitting on the edge; right where Frank was standing and he was smiling up at Frank with, his head cocked to the side as Frank raised an eyebrow at the water.

Just how much more crazier is Frank gonna get?


"How much more can one possibly miss another?" Gerard chuckled.

"Are you -?"

"Am I what?" Gerard asked with a smirk.

"I'm coming in." Frank decided, he'd be with Gerard. He so badly wanted to be with Gerard.

"No Frankie. Don't don't do it." Gerard begged.

"You have warm skin, a beating heart, pink lips. You have a life - sugar, please don't waste it hung up on me."

"Gee - I just don't know what to do." Frank choked out, tears threatening to blur his vision.


"I can't - you were my life, you are my life, Gerard. And everyday I become more and more like you - it's the only way I can survive...I found them you know?"


"Accidentally. But I kept them anyway." Frank shrugged. "I can't live without out any longer without you. I've done it for two months - I can't do it any longer." He took his shoes and socks off, moving to his jacket. Doing all of this and ignoring the scolding look planted on Gerard's face.

"If you come here, I swear to god I won't love you anymore."

"I'll just have to live with that huh, Gerard? At least I'll be able to see you." Frank shrugged off his shirt and undid the belt, whipping it off and letting his pants slide down, with less clothes, he'll die quicker.

The water was cold.

"Frank. No."

"Gerard. Yes." Frank blew a kiss at Gerard before jumping in and falling slowly to the ground, and did something that might have been the worst thing he'd ever felt before. He breathed in.

And let the the water fill his body.

Because he too, also forgot to swim.


Slightly sad, maybe on the verge of smiling because Frankie and Gee are together again but this ending though *angry crowd kills me with spears* well, I guess I deserve it, huh?

This was actually kind of fun dudes, bye

Well, my gun fires seven different shades of shit,

So what's your favorite color, punk?

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