.Chapter Ten.

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[A/N: sorry, it's not edited...]

Frank woke up at about nine and then remembered that his dad was gone and he was alone once again with Gerard and his mom- except this time it wasn't Mikey, it was Donna.

Not that there was so much wrong with Gerard anymore, but he still wasn't super fond of him. But he was okay; not bad.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard female screaming and he panicked, scrambling out of bed and running out of the cracked door to see that Donna was standing and freaking out in Gerard's room.

"What's wrong?!" He asked with wide eyes at his his step-mom.

"Ger-Gerard, he's gone!" Donna cried into the palm out of her hands, she was right though, when Frank turned to the bed she saw that he was indeed, not in the bed. "Do y-you know where he is?"

Frank shook his head and once again heard a group of noises outside his bedroom window and since his window faced the backyard, that's where he looked and he saw a group of people clambering around the lake and Frank breathed in with a scared breath. Oh no...

Frank climbed off the bed and ran downstairs to and right out the backdoor, not caring that he was in his sleeping clothes.

"What's going on?" Frank asked, a little out of breath. The person he asked looked back at him with a sympathetic expression.

"It's the Way boy. He was found by the neighbor over there and said that she saw him standing by the edge and swore that he wasn't even awake." They explained. "They're trying to get him to breath again, he's all purple and and blue and isn't responding at the moment."

Frank couldn't breath himself as he tried his best to run back to the house and get Donna; who was still crying on the bedroom floor of her sons. "D-Donna, come outside, now." He urged and ran back out. He was tired with all this running shit.

She didn't need telling twice as she scrambled after him, hoping that this was concerning her son. "Oh dear god." She sobbed when she approached the large crowd.

"Excuse me." Frank muttered, pushing past all the oddly talk people that stood around and made his way to the front to see Gerard laying on a gurney with the EMT's pumping oxygen into him.

He's not breathing. So that means he's dead, right?

"Please back away!" The third EMT shouted and waved them backwards so they could have more room to work.

Frank numbly walked back with the others, but never once took his eyes away from the closed (and light blued skin) eyes.

"C'mon..." Frank muttered and walked back with Donna. "Let's just get dressed and meet them at the hospital, they'll get ready to take him in a minute."


Frank never liked hospitals, he used to be here every other day when he was little because of the major earaches that he would get.

Now, all the memories can rushing back like a swift kick to the gut. The slow and steady beeping of the the hear monitors in the room and the quiet chatter of the people in the nearby places and the occasionally gurney rushing by. All these noises may be simple, but yet hearing them made it seem like it was just yesterday that he was laying in a hospital bed hooked up to certain tubes because of his major colds, earaches and horrible immune system.

All was bad, but Gerard was here, so as long as he was here, Frank would be here too.

Whether he liked Gerard or not, he'd be here, even if he may or may not be in the same room.

"Donna. Do you think he'll be okay?" Frank asked quietly, trying to put other noises in the room, other then the already depressing ones.

She nodded, but said nothing. Shouldn't Mikey be here? Frank sat up straight and looked around, just in time to see Mikey and who he guessed was the dad walk up to them in a rushed manor. "Where is he? Are they allowing us to go in there?" Mikey asked.

Frank sighed and shook his head.

"Damn..." Mikey sighed and sat down next to Frank, his dad following on pursuit. "That sucks."

Frank nodded.

"Gerard's awake." A nurse came out to tell them. "But he wants to see Frank."

Frank's eyes widened as he stood up and walked slowly past the nurse and down the hall to the door that Gerard was through.

"Gerard?" Frank asked quietly, standing in the doorway of the room and only feeling slightly in comfortable in the whole building.

He raised his head off the pillow and smiled weakly at Frank. "Hey..."

Frank sighed softly and walked all the way into the room and pushing the door almost all the way closed before walking over to Gerard's side. "A-are you okay?"

Gerard nodded and let out a humorless laugh, "I'm perfectly fine, just the fact that I'm not dead is what's bringing me down."

Frank frowned and grabbed ahold of Gerard's hand in a right hold. "Why would you say that?"

"Because- it didn't work...they got my heart to start beating again, no matter how hard I tried to fight against them." He mumbled, but Frank could hear every word.

"You did it on purpose?"

Gerard didn't answer. "Don't tell my mom."

Frank sight but nodded nonetheless and pulled Gerard's hand to his face, kissing the knuckles lightly. "Fine- but this saddens me."

"The fact that I'm not dead? Yeah, me too." Gerard 'agreed', even though he knew exactly what Frank was saying but changed it.

"Please- just don't. I don't want to hear any of those words coming from that mouth of yours." Frank begged, and somehow found his face considerably closer to Gerard's.

"It's my mouth- I can do what I want with it."

Frank almost melted inside. Was that supposed to be dirty? "What do you do with that mouth of yours...?" Frank had no idea why he just said that.

"This." Was the last thing he said before he connected his lips to Frank's, not caring that the door was open.

But did have common sense to pull away just as mom and Mikey walked through the door and didn't suspect a single thing.

Gerard and Frank shared a sneaky glance before going completely normal and acting casual around the others.

Because. That did not just happen.


So um...yay! They kissed and Gerard said dirty things.

Fantastic, I like how this story has over a thousand views and stuff. It's not as much as GRAFFITI; which by the way has over a thousand reads even though I think it's complete shit, but oh well, it was my favorite story and stuff so...

Thanks for reading my horrid stories and commenting and voting, it means a lot to me.

~ Hesitant Stomachaches

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