.Chapter Thirteen.

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Gerard looked in the Mirror to make sure his hair looked good, which it did, it always did. Then sat on the floor and leaned the back of his head on the edge of the bathtub. He didn't want to go to school today, he felt like throwing up everything he'd eaten in the past 48 hours. Which wasn't much considering the fact that he doesn't eat much to begin with and that Frank and mom did not come out of their rooms last night so no dinner was made.

There was a knock at the door and Gerard stood up, guessing that it was most likely Frank up and getting ready for school.

Gerard opened the door and sure enough Frank stood there staring at the ground sniffling and again made no point to talk to Gerard as he shuffled across the hall to find his shoes.

Wow. So everyone is just ignoring him then? Gerard scoffed to himself and untied the shoelaces so that he could pull the shoes on his feet. That's fine, it's nothing new, Gerard thought and stood up.

Home was gonna be school and school was gonna be home, you know since they book are full of people and mom of those people in either talk to him. Except in school- occasionally they called him 'fag' or 'gay' or all the other cliché names. Which was fine, because they are all true and Gerard was no liar. So he never really corrected them since they were all true.

The clock read 7:00 and Gerard started panicking even more. Ray would be here in five minutes to pick him up- and most likely Frank too.

He'd have to go back to school after break and it would be the rest of the year before he could get away from them.

This was torture. Living his life was torture.

And Gerard's panicking was cut short as Ray's car pulled up early and he heard the car door open. No no no, Gerard internally cried. He didn't want to go, nobody could make him go.

Ray walked into the house and stared questioningly at his best friend in distress. Ray didn't have other friends, but he was one of those people who blended in with the background and people never notice.

Gerard was jealous because of that.

"Are you okay?" Ray asked.

"No." Gerard shook his head and buried his head into the palm of his hands. "I can't do this Ray, I just can't."

He felt a hand connected gently with his back. "Do you wanna go today?"

"No. But I'm gonna anyway, it's just that I'm tired of being everyone's rag doll, Ray. It's tiring and it hurts and- and I just don't know what to do anymore." Gerard told him, he was quiet and barely audible.

"I know- but look at it this way, we've only got a few weeks left of school then we're out and don't have to deal with douches anymore. But we're gonna be late so go get Frank." Ray said, standing up and walking to the door.

Gerard stood up and went to go upstairs when Frank appeared with a tired look and trudged right past Gerard like he was invisible.

Wow, Gerard rolled his eyes and pushed by Frank to get out the door first and to call shotgun in Ray's car.


Gerard walked up to his locker and put in the combination with shaky fingers and sweaty palms.

First hour was gonna start in 5 minutes so that meant that there was five minutes that Gerard could risk getting beat up or shoved in a toilet. That scared him- even though it's happened before.

"Well, well, well." A taunting voice said behind him, Gerard's body tensed as he turned around...just to see that James and Isaac were not talking to him, but looking down at Frank with viscous but amused expressions.

Frank held his books close to his chest as he looked at the ground, not wanting to look them in the eyes- as if they'd do worse things to him if he were to do that.

Gerard's blood boiled as he watched them talk shit to Frank.

"Who are you, midget?" Isaac asked, pushing Frank and making him fall backwards and all his books to fall out of his grasp.

"Answer us when we're talking to you!" James demanded through gritted teeth as kneeled down and gripped the front of Frank's shirt and pulling him closer. "We're in charge around here and when we ask you a question- you and answer the goddamned question- "

Gerard threw his own books down and walked forward with harsh steps until he reached James and grabbed the back of his shirt, yanking him from the ground. "What the fuck do you think your doing?"

James smirked. "Well Way, did you think we forgot about you- ?"

Gerard cut him off by punching him in the jaw. "Don't talk to me. Don't talk to Frank and don't talk down to us just because we like different music and like dick, okay?"

He glared at Isaac as if silently asking him if he had any input on the subject. He shook his head with wide eyes and back away.

Gerard sighed in relief and turned around to see that Frank had already up and left.

Fine then. Frank really wasn't talking to him, was he? Gerard didn't even know what he did.

"Gerard Way. Principals office now." The assistant principal demanded, all of sudden at the scene.

"Fine." Gerard rolled his eyes and walked into the room.


"Yes, Mrs Stewart?" Gerard asked.

"You know what you did, didn't you?" She asked.

Gerard shrugged. "I did nothing wrong."

"Yes Gerard. You did. You're not supposed to punch a kid in the face. I could suspend you for this- even expel, but...you don't get in trouble, so I'll let you off the hook."

Gerard groaned. "What the fuck was the point of me coming in here of all you do is say 'I could expel you but I won't,'?" He did his best impersonation of the principal in a high pitched and squeaky tone that would most likely get him in more trouble.

"Language. And I just wanted you tell you- now get out of my office before I change my mind." She motioned towards the door and looked to her computer.

Gerard stood up and walked out of the office and into the hall where Ray and some random kid were waiting.

"Oh my fuck Gerard!" The other kid squealed. "You actually stood up to James!"

"Um...who are you?" Gerard asked with a raised eyebrow. And how did he know his name?

"Oh- sorry. I'm Ryan, and I'm another kid that James and Isaac pick on. But I'm thanking you- because us gays gotta stick together in a homophobic school, know what I'm saying?"

Gerard smiled and shrugged. "I guess, it did feel pretty good to stand up to them, did you guys see...or hear?"

"Saw it." Ray answered. "It was cool, congrats man."

Gerard chuckled. "It's not like I'm winning an award or something..."

"Might as well be." Ryan smiled and walked with him and Ray to math class, since apparently he shared that class with them but they never noticed.

Gerard smiled and looked up to see Frank coming out of the bathroom and the look on his face was sad and it looked like he had been crying.

'You lied to me.' He mouthed and walked the opposite direction without another word.

What the fuck did he lie to him about? Gerard was really confused as he walked into math class with Ray and Ryan.


Well I'm not a big fan of writing school scenes and shit so next chapter they will be home again and there might be some smut, not sure how good it will be, I won't publish the chapter until I think it's good enough so..

~ Hesitant Stomachaches

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