.Chapter TwentyOne.

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Gerard sat at the edge of the lake and stared into the water alone as everyone was snug and cozy in the house not caring about him. He was used to it so it didn't really make a difference to him all that much.

Just that this lake looked more friendly then Frank was at the moment.

He thought about jumping in and ending it at the moment because he just thought that living was to complicated but then it just gave his dad, brother and Frank another's reason to think he was begging for attention. Which, Gerard did admit that sometimes he did. Because he felt like sometimes he wasn't all that important to this family - or world.

"What are you doing out here?" Frank asked, no emotion whatsoever apparent on his face as he stood above Gerard with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets.

"Wouldn't you like to care." Gerard rolled his eyes and looked away from Frank whose eyes softened a little.

"Why would you say that?" Frank asked, kneeling down and placing a hand on Gerard shoulder.

"Oh let's see." Gerard stood up and pulled his shirt shirt up, ignoring the lines forming a little ladder going into the the waistband of his pants and revealing a large purple bruise. "Do you see that?"

Frank gulped and looked away. "Uh...I did that?"

"No one else has kicked me in the guy lately." Gerard huffed and yanked the shirt down. "Please let me wallow in my tears alone."

Frank pulled Gerard back down so they were sitting next to each other. "I'm sorry."

"I don't care." Gerard stared and crossed his arms. "You insulted me and kicked me fairly hard in my stomach. I don't want to hear it."

"Really?" Frank asked, his tone not so friendly anymore. "Why won't you-" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair before turning around. "Nevermind. I'm fucking done."

Gerard watched Frank retreat back to the house and all he did was shrug. There was no reason to kick Gerard, and yet he still expected the two to be all happy with each other.

When in all honesty, Frank could go fuck himself.

Gerard sighed and leaned over more over the lake. It did look a little warm...

Maybe one 'swim'.

Gerard shook his head. There was no reason to do this. You were overreacting Gerard. Go apologize to Frank - then everything will be okay.

"I will not apologize." Gerard growled angrily. "I did nothing wrong."

And here we go...Gerard, you've officially hit the deep end, you know that?

Gerard stood up and took a step back. So what - Frank and dad didn't like him, his mom was being all Silent Bob on everyone right now and Mikey and Katy were still okay.

But Frank. He was pissed.

Gerard didn't like it when Frank wouldn't speak to him. Maybe he should just go back to the razors. As he walked away, with a very quick (and maybe not so smart thought) he turned around and dived right into the lake.

And he forgot how to swim.


Frank sat on his bed with his knees pulled up to his chest, silently stewing at how fucking sick he was - he kicked Gerard.

And now Gerard was mad and wouldn't talk to him and to be honest - they were both being stubborn bitches, but two stubborn bitches equal not all that good of consequences in the end.

Frank glanced out the window - especially if you're a suicidal nut job. Then things wouldn't end up so well. They'd end with a dead body in a lake and an ambulance at the front door.

That's just what Frank thinks anyway.

There was a knock on the door and it opened with a quiet creak as Mikey appeared in the doorway with Ray standing awkwardly behind him.

"Do you know where Gerard is?" Mikey asked, fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke.

"Last time I checked? He was over by the lake." Frank shrugged, he really didn't give a rats ass where Gerard was.


"I checked there. He isn't there." Mikey squeaked. His face going a very pale color.

"Don't tell your dad. Ray get a car." Frank got up and ran down the stairs, almost tripping in the process as he pushed out the door and hurried to the lake where he could see an eruption of bubbles and a faint and blurry figure below.

Frank groaned and jumped in and sunk lower and lower until he touched a body and grabbed for Gerard before breaking the surface. "Gerard. What the fuck?"

Frank latched onto the grass and pulled Gerard up onto it so that he could get out of the water and carry Gerard to the car because he wasn't breathing and Frank was beginning to worry.

"Ray - he's not breathing." Frank muttered quickly as he opened the backdoor to the car and set him on the seat.

Mikey and Ray were already in the car as Frank buckled up and they began driving.

"Frank." Mikey said from the front seat. "Check his pulse."

Frank put two fingers to Gerard's wrist and waited for a pulse. But there wasn't one.

"Mikey." Frank choked out. "He's dead."

Mikey looked back in horror at his brother and then to frank. "Oh my gosh - this - no."

"Fuck - um..." Ray stuttered and hit the gas and the car started speeding up.

Mikey started sobbing in the front seat and that made Frank frown and latch onto Gerard like his life depended on it.

Even though Gerard was dead and that made Frank start crying, wishing that this was on of those supernatural movies where his tears were magical and they would heal Gerard and he would come back to life.

But this was not Beauty And The Beast and Gerard was dead and the possibility that the anyone could bring Gerard back to life was a very small percent and that made Frank cry harder because if he can't be brought back to life then Frank's life would make fall apart because he was a dick to Gerard and that hurt.

"This is so messed up." Frank muttered sadly and nuzzled into Gerard. "Dammit..."


Sorry if it sucks, dudes

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