.Chapter Two.

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Gerard looked at the guy who had been running and was slightly out of breath.

"I um - uh, I didn't want to be near my dad anymore." The boy breathed, looking back at the car that he'd come from. A man, from what Gerard could tell was the dad, walked up with a small glance to the boy and disappeared into the chapel. "That's-that's my dad." The boy said, as if he knew what Gerard was thinking.

"Oh...hey! That's my mom's fiancé." Gerard exclaimed with wide eyes, looking back to the boy and stepping back. "Did I...do something wrong?"

The boy glared at Gerard. "You're Gerard." It was more of a statement than a question.

"And-and you're Frank." Gerard said back. He then stood up straight and straightened his suit, Gerard's eyes drifted to Frank's undone tie. "Um...do you need help with that?"

Frank looked down and blushed. "Yes. But I still don't like you." The shorter boy looked away as Gerard walked forward and took both ends of the tie and began doing it right.

"I kind of figured." Gerard chuckled and tightened the tie around Frank's neck. "There you go, step-brother." He knew it would piss Frank off, like he would ever call anyone by the place they took in a family. "I'm kidding, but bye."

Frank scowled and rolled his eyes, walking away from Gerard with his arms crossed.

Gerard sighed and stuffed his hands in his pockets before following Frank into the chapel. Why did Frank hate him already? He didn't when he didn't know who Gerard was, but when there was a name to the face - it was sudden hate.

People had started making their way into the building and sitting down, Gerard decided to sit next to Frank just for the hell of it and receiving a side glare from the boy.

"You wanted me to sit here anyways, don't try to deny it, sugar." Gerard smirked and looked away, he was probably crossing the line, but pissing people off was very fun.

"Whatever." Frank mumbled, his face burning a crimson and looked up ahead.

Frank so wanted him to sit here.


Did Gerard mention the fact that weddings were hella boring? Well, they were. And the only good thing that came out of today was the fact that he got to sit next to Frank - twice, and the cake was good.

Other then that, Gerard would much rather be at home reading comic books and listening to his hardcore rock music and pissing his mom off with the volume.

He supposed his step-dad and step-brother wouldn't really appreciate the loud music and comic books piling up on the steps of the thin stairs. Though, his mom didn't like it either. But honestly, Gerard couldn't fucking care less.

"Gerard, you look bored. Why's that?" Franklin asks, sitting next to Gerard. "Is something wrong?"

Gerard shrugged. "I don't like weddings, I hate suits, and my brother isn't here- even though I was forced to come to dad's wedding and had to pass up a trip to Cedar Point with my friend because of it." Gerard looked to Frank's dad. "Yet, my brother doesn't have to come to mom's wedding and gets to go to Kentucky...tell me how that's fair?"

Franklin though for a minute before chuckling, "it isn't, really- here -" he reached into his pocket and took out a pair of keys and handed them to Gerard. "You can go home...as long as you take Frank with you, he looks bored too."

Gerard took them and smiled gratefully before standing up and walking over to Frank, who was absentmindedly pushing his cake around the plate. "Frank...wanna go home?"

"I have no home." Frank mumbled. He couldn't have sounded more emo. He looked up to Gerard and sighed. "Alright, let's go."

The two walked away from the party to the parking lot where there were a ton of cars. "Which one is yours?"

Frank smiled slightly before walking to one of the vehicles and getting into the passenger seat. Gerard stared for a minute before getting into the front seat and turning the car on.

"Um...you better not go into Mikey's room. That's his. And not yours." Gerard told Frank. "You have your own - the door has your name painted on it. I did it myself." He blushed and looked over to Frank. "Just saying- we all have our names on our doors."

Frank nodded. "Can we just go...home?" It physically pained Frank to say 'home'. Because he didn't want a new home.

"Yeah. Okay." Gerard mentally threw himself off a bridge as he backed out and drove out of the parking lot and down the road. "You know about Mikey- I'm assuming?"

Frank nodded. "I don't like this having two brothers thing..."

"Would you prefer a sister? I could get in a dress and high heels if you'd prefer?" Gerard offered jokingly. "I'm kidding of course..." Even though, Gerard had thought many times about what it would be like to wear girl clothes.

"Nah. I'm good." Frank mumbled, though, there was a ghost of a smile on painted on his lips.

There was a few more minutes of very uncomfortable driving, Gerard pulled up into the driveway of the house that was - in his opinion - way to big, even with an add-on of two more people. "Here we are."

Frank sighed and unbuckled, opening the door and stepping out. Gerard followed in suit and he unlocked the door and set the keys in the bowl right next to the door on the table. "Can um...can you just show me the room? I'm tired."

Gerard nodded with a frown, still wondering why Frank doesn't like him now just because he was his brother. "I can but...do you want me to take you to get your stuff from your house?"

Frank looked thoughtful for a minute then nodded. "Yeah, I guess if I have to live here, then I'd might as well make it more home-y."

Gerard grabbed the keys again and walked out of the house, Frank following and getting into the passenger side. He should feel honored; Gerard was wasting yet another hour or two doing something he didn't want to when he could be listening to his music with no interruptions.

"Thanks." Frank mumbled. Gerard didn't know if he was supposed to hear or not, so he chose to ignore the statement and continue driving.


"Is this it?" Gerard asked, slowing in front of a light blue house with black shutters and a matching front door. "This place is nice."

"Yeah. I like it. My dad likes it. I have no idea why we have to move." Frank scowled, crossing his arms but nodding nonetheless at Gerard's question. "Sorry, I don't mean to be bitchy but..."

"I get it. Having to move and have two new brothers, I'm not fond of you either." Gerard added. "I barely like Mikey most of the time."

They stopped in the driveway and he parked. Frank scoffed. "If you didn't like me then you wouldn't be making an effort in talking to me."

"You're my new step-brother. We're gonna be living in the same house, we can't just not talk to each other, can we?"

"I was gonna try." Frank shrugged and got out. "You can stay here and pop the trunk and I'll get all my stuff."

Gerard nodded and hit the button, hearing the trunk pop open and watched Frank walk up the stairs and make his way into the house.

~ Frnkiero and the Lemons

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