🌺 Chapter-15🌺

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2 Days Later

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2 Days Later

"Where are you going Ji-eun?" Yoongi asked when he saw Ji-eun wearing her heels. She turned to him and said.

"My Dad called me for some reason which I don't know. But I will be back soon. Ok?" She said. Yoongi nodded her head.

She gave him a last smile and then left from there.

"Where did she went?" Jin asked as he came out from his room.... I mean guest room in which he was staying right now.

Yoongi looked at him and said "Her Dad called her. I don't know what for. Even she doesn't know."

Jin nodded his head and sat next to Yoongi on the couch.



"Do you think, he will be able to forgive us if we meet him someday?" Jin said. Yoongi looked at him with a sad expression.

"Don't know Hyung. I myself think this. But as always, I also don't have any answers." Yoongi said.

"I hope he does forgive us." Jin said and Yoongi hummed in response.


After dropping Hoseok to their friend's house, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim left from there. Here, Hoseok was sitting in the couch awkwardly. His Dad's friend was out calling Someone.

Soon he came inside with a girl beside him which Hoseok assumed was his daughter. He stood up and bowed to her. She did the same.

She came and sat infront of Hoseok. Hoseok also sat.

"You see Kid. She is my daughter. She will take care of you. I have to leave for my trip now. It was nice meeting you." His Dad's friend said. Hoseok nodded and gave him a small now before he left.

Now, it was only Hoseok and the girl in the room.

"It's a little awkward. How about we introduce ourselves." She said.

Hoseok nodded his head and said "I am Kim Hoseok. And I am 20 years old."

"Hii Hoseok. I am Le--

Before she could say, Hoseok cutted her hy saying

"Lee Ji-eun. Also known as IU. Right?"
He said. Ji-eun looked at him a little surprised. But then she gave him a small smile and nodded her head.

"Yup. That's me. How do you know me?" She said the most stupid question evert

"Kookie.... I mean My friend, Jungkook is a very big fan of you. He always talks about you and shows us your photos and videos. So, actually know many things about you and to be honest your singing is amazing. I am not that big fan of yours, but I love your singing so much." He said.

Ji-eun nodded her head understanding.

"Well, that's great. And Thank you so much. Um.... If you don't mind, can you tell me one thing?" She said. Hoseok nodded his head so she continued

"Who is your favourite singer or maybe rapper too?" She asked.

"AgustD. He never revealed his face, but I am in love with his rapping. His rapping style, his music, his lyrics. I love everything. He is a legend. I have heard many rappers but he is my all time favourite. And another is RM. Like AgustD he also never showed his face on camera. He does rapping not so often but when he does, it's Daebak and then .... Sorry. I am speaking too much. Right?" He said immediately when he realised.

Ji-eun shook her head and said "No. You are not. I was actually enjoying it. I like it when people talk about music and artists." She assured him.

He gave a small smile.

"Oh. I am so sorry. I forgot to ask. Would like something to eat to drink. You may be hundur or thirsty. Right?" She said and stood up. She was about to go to Kitchen when Hoseok said

"Uhh------ there is no need. I am not. I actually wanted to have a talk with you regarding something." He said. Ji-eun stopped and looked at him.

She came back and again sat on her place and signalled him to continue.

"Actually, I know Dad told me to live with you. But I wanted to live with my best friends. So, if you don't mind. Can I go and live with them?" He said and looked at her with hopeful eyes.

She looked a little unsure but she was getting a little weak infront of those eyes holding hope.

"Uhhh-- I don't know..... Um..... Ok. I will let you go. But not today. Since your Dad told my Dad to take care of you. I can't just let you go. How about you live with me for 2 weeks and after that for the rest of the time you can live with your bestfriends." Ji-eun suggested.

Hoseok thought about what she said and the. Eventually nodded his head.

"Ok. Just kne more request. Please don't tell my Dad or Mom. They will be angry and then they will give me Punishment." Hoseok said.

"Aww. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. By the way. I am not living here. I am living with few of my friends. So, would like..... Like to come and live there? She said.

Hoseok nodded is head. He really founded Ji-eun friendly.

"Sure Umm---

"Noona. Call me Noona."

"Ok. Sure Noona. I would love it. Um... But I am a little awkward around new people. And will your friends like to have me there?" Hoseok said.

"Don't worry. You will be fine and they would love it.  Your luggage is here only. Let's take it as it is." She said. Hoseok nodded. They both stood up and left the house with Hoseok's luggage.

They say in Ji-eun's car and she drove to her friend's house. 

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