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Nandu's POV

I was shocked but yet it felt difficult to understand. It was just a beginning means ,there is more into the story. I just want the main reason to know for their divorce. "Mom, Please come to the point", I urged.

Mom resumed saying,Later we become normal. I stoped avoiding him ,that become more burden for me.As they shared sweet gusters before me which was so irritating and infuriating. Even though I tried avoid when they both were together. He thought otherwise and includes me in their activities which was more difficult for me.I don't know how to avoid them and on the other side she was happy infront of him and provokes me behind him.

I tried but that doesn't settle with me. Inside I wanted him to be my side not on hers.I made distance between them utilising our past relationship. And the bad rumours sprouted in our university made it easy for me to play my card ,with which she wanted us to get free from our friendship.

One way or other, I understood he stood by myside more than hers. I debated that when she provoked me that we're still in a relationship,while what's her relationship with him as he never proposed her till then, when he was making arrangements for his proposal. That's the lie that changed everything in our lives, which made their relationship doesn't lastlong.

Within a mean time,they got seperated and I was there for him while he feel oppressed over things, but I can't say the truth even though I felt it to say. We grew much nearer in the mean time. I tried to divert him into studies and Dance. He got good percentages and got offers from the good companys. But he was only interested in Dance to which he declined them.  In my final year I got concieved with Sid before marriage itself.

When he know the news ,he married and took the responsibility of me . we went to your grandparents house.Even though he was there with me, they literally made my life hell as I'm orphan. They called me so called things like I trapped him for money and all. As I felt that I've done all of those many things makes me feel suffocated. Later we moved to this house.

He have done some part-time as he don't get decent job. But everything changed when sid was born. He was my' Lucky charm'. I got blessed with Happiest things only.Your Dad got decent job and I rejoined my studies with the help of my professor.Your Dad was best supportive husband any wife could ask for. He never had a male Ego and was there throughout my hard ship on postpartum issues.

While Sid growing, I got job. Within a year,I got concieved with you.I have to got back to my work as they were initial years of my career.With you he become a mother to you more than a father.So, I truly don't want you to HATE him. Even I can't see hate towards him in your eyes. We don't have any huge fights or any disagreements between us. Everything is good until that day.

( My face got wet with tears listening about Dad. 'Yes',He was the best Dad . Every memory of him came infront of my eyes made me lost in my thoughts.Even he made a secret ladder to go out without mom noticing due to my night cravings.There were days he attended my school events ,even though he was busy.  He fulfilled all my wishes I ask for.....even I just thought of.I listened as she rub off her tears that are about to flow and continued saying. )

I don't know How he came to know that I'm the reason of their separation. He came home furious that day ,literally slapped me and questioned my character. That was the first time in our whole relationship,he fought with me. I thought we will solve our issues, after him being cool down. But I don't know that was the last time he will talk to me.

I thought he took my responsibility because, there was little Love for me. But that was all my illusion, He married me because, He pitied me.Once upon a time, I wanted him to pity me even, but I never thought that would felt like curse.

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