Chapter 70

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My headache subsides in no time, and I am about to stand from the bed to start getting ready for work, but Marcel only gives me a weird look.

"Why do you look so hurried?"

I stop with the duvet still in my hands. "Work. Getting ready for work,"

"Today is Saturday, Celyn," He laughs. "Why do you think I made you drink so much last night?"

I groan in happiness and fly back into the bed. He throws back his head and continues laughing richly. "I forgot that yesterday was Friday,"

   "I guess you don't know something about me," He says and stands before me. "Once it's the weekend, you can live however you want as long as it's not going to come in the way of work at the office. I am someone that's so business minded and principled that I try not to make a mistake as the CEO so others follow,"

   "Oh." I nod impressively. I loved how he carried himself. A man of great seriousness and principle. He was someone I could look up to. "That's a great way to deal with work and pleasure. It shouldn't mix,"

   He nods. "It should. But only when there's no serious work the next day,"

   He is seated on my window sill with a cup of coffee. He sips at it before placing it on the saucer on the concrete slab.

   He clears his throat and stands on his feet. I realize I am comfortably lying on the bed like he's just a friend I have known for years instead of a CEO.

   I sit up immediately with wide eyes, and he bursts into laughter.

   "I was expecting that!" He cackled and waved at me to stop. "Hey, relax. We're becoming friends. Slowly becoming friends, and I want you to be comfortable around me, okay?"

   I nod and lay back on the bed, but there's this heaviness on my chest I can't seem to take away.

   "Well, something fun to do this Saturday, huh?" He says. I shoot a brow up in curiosity.

   "What might that be?"

   "I want to get acquainted with you. I think we'd be good friends and all that. We should bond, shouldn't we?"

   That's an unusual thing for someone helping me to ask, but I shrug. I want to go out. I haven't gone out in ages. All my year after uni, all I have been doing is submitting résumés online, going from one company to another with my résumé and hoping to get a job, having a terrible problem with my mother and moving out on my own, encountering the shittiest of people ever to walk the planet and having to sleep in a car.

   "Maybe I need that," I say after several seconds of thinking about my past. "I need that,"

   He stands to his feet and claps his hands in finality. "That's great, then. I'll get dressed and ask the driver to prepare a car for us both. Get ready. I'll be back in twenty."

   "Or just wait downstairs for me? I'll meet you," I call after him, and he nods his head before leaving.

   As soon as he's gone, I go into a full-blown panic. I stand before my wardrobe, nearly falling into a slight panic attack. How the hell am I going to find a dress to go out with someone as influential as him?

   I might look like the most confident woman out there, but I really feel nervous going out with him. I only have a sundress, and it's faded. A lot of people know him around the city and I am sure he wouldn't want to be seen with a woman like me.

   Sighing, I decide to go with a corporate dress. I mean, one could never go wrong with a corporate dress right? I can look like his personal assistant beside him even if we're both having fun, right? It's going to restrict me so much but that's what I have to do to protect my image.

   I try to motivate myself and reaffirm but I stop myself. I do not need that. It's all a facade to mask the real thing I am feeling. Today, I want to feel it deeply. I want to feel the slight low self-esteem that comes with not having the appropriate dress or footwear or purse.

   So I decided to go with the black office gown I have and while doing that, I try to make myself feel better. After all, if I don't, who will?

   After taking my bath and doing the necessary, I put on the dress, feeling quite nervous that I am overdressing for this day just because I do not want to underdress. Sighing, I pat the dress and decide to put on my tan jacket.

   Way to go, Jocelyn.

   Shoes come next. I only have heels and a worn out pair of runners and sandals. I decide to wear the black heels.

   Fucking hell.

   I've worn this twice and he's going to know that I do not have a shoe.

   Sighing shakily, I close my eyes and exit the room, hoping he doesn't notice or say anything if he does.

   Like he says, he's waiting outside, in front of the car. I stood before him with a nervous smile on my face.

   "You smell nice," He says. "I love your outfit. Chica,"

   "Thank you."

   "Do you want to intimidate everyone all the time," He laughs.

   I share his laughter and shake my head. "Do I look intimidating?"

"All the time, Jocelyn. You should own a company in the future. I am rooting for you because you'll be the best,"

This turned out the way I didn't expect it. I searched his face to see if he has any problems with my dress but he didn't seem to. He only opened the car for me.

"Thank you." I whispered, in profuse gratitude.

God, I could burst into tears right now.

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