Chapter 31

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Jocelyn's POV

Finally, the day has arrived. I don't even realize as I have been working in the kitchen all night along with Tiffany, Rosá and some other lady who calls herself the baker.

I notice Rosá and Tiffany glancing at her with disdain. I'm also not in support of it seeing that Tiffany makes the best cake. Leela says it's because she doesn't want us to be more stressed than we already are. It can be a recipe for disaster.

She is actually right but it's going to be hard for Tiffany to actually come to terms with the fact that someone she's better than at making cakes is making it in her place.

We worked in the kitchen throughout the night and we took short breaks to eat or munch on something. Leela came in from time to time to check in on us as she wasn't asleep also. She was busy checking what invitation letters had been received. A few people turned down the invitation with apologies but that wasn't spoiling anything. The party was going to happen tonight.

"How do you think it's going to turn out?" I ask as I wash a large bowl of rice into a pot that would be put on the heater as soon as I am done. "You know I've never been around any of these,"

"You tell me," Rosá says. She is picking the vegetables from a large basket. "You seem to come from a family of abundance. You should know all these things,"

"Well, I've never been a party person. My mother used to attend and organize but I never really went for those things. I always stayed in my room,"

"Sounds boring," Tiffany says and wrinkles her nose. "You never attended parties in highschool or college?"

I shrug. "I used to attend till my friend left for another state. I'm not a party person. I actually need someone to push me to do these things before I actually do it."

"How much of a rich woman was your mother?" Rosá asks me.

I shrug. "Well, rich enough to send her daughter to one of the ivy leagues. She actually has more of an influence. She knows a lot of people so that paves way for her,"

"Why are you working as a maid, then? If your mother has a lot of connections, it should be easy to place you are the top where you're meant to be,"

"Rosá..." Tiffany says sternly. Rosa only shrugs.

"I'm only being plain with her. She shouldn't be working as a maid of her mother has all the connections and even money,"

These women won't understand and it's best I said nothing. Sighing, I turn to look at Rosá with a painful smile on her face. "I believe we should all respect boundaries and this is where I draw it,"

Tiffany looks at Rosá as if to say, "I told you so." Then she turns to me. "Jocelyn, honey. Rosá doesn't really know how to keep her mouth shut. She's really sorry,"

I nod. "It's fine, Tiffany. I understand."

We all go back to work but this time, we're all silent as the air is strained with tension. Rosá just brought up something I never really wanted to talk about with anyone and now, I just can't stop thinking about it. I already banished the whole thought a long time ago but now, it's all back. It has come back in waves and I realize that my hands are trembling.


I turn to see Adele standing at the door. I know why she's here and a sigh of relief escapes my mouth. I'm about to be out of here and I'll likely not return.

"Leela requests for your presence."

Nodding, I immediately excuse myself without even looking at the women.

"Why is she requesting my presence?"

Adelaide shrugs. "Probably something you can be able to solve. She's been restless all night,"

Oh. Did I forget? I and Adelaide have cultivated a habit of randomly conversing while we walk to Leela's room. We're not that close but the conversation while we walk is always refreshing. We talk about everything and nothing and I respect her a lot because she has boundaries. She doesn't cross the random conversation we have and never makes it personal.

My thoughts are interrupted by the lights I see coming from the other room. "The hall has been set up already?"

Adelaide looks towards the hall through the glass doors. She nods. "Yes, the decorators came this evening while you worked in the kitchen with Tiffany and Rosá. They were really quick and did a good job."

"I can see it. That's why I'm surprised because they did a really good job in such a short time,"

"Julian would be impressed." Adelaide and chuckles.

"I've never really seen him," I say out of curiosity. She probably is going to say something about him. Maybe a fact I can hold onto before officially meeting him because I have a hunch that Leela would want to introduce me to me. I don't know what to feel.

"He's always busy," Adelaide says as we climb up the flight of stairs. "He never really has the time to visit and his mother is always forcing him before he comes. He prioritizes his business over anything and we leave him to it,"

"That's really nice. I'd kill to be in his place."

Adelaide chuckles but she says nothing after that. Instead, she pulls the door open and lets me in. "Have a good night." Is what Adelaide says before locking the door. She doesn't follow me, which is unusual.

The room is dark save for the dim light pouring out of a lamp in the innermost part of her room.

I clear my throat. "Leela, Adelaide says you asked for my presence."

There's silence for a while and I believe she's asleep so I take a few steps into the room before announcing myself again. "Hello?"

The next thing I hear is a sob.

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