Chapter 29

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Leela's POV

Tomorrow is the D-day and I actually can't wait to see what's going to happen if the party turns out well. In my mind's eye, I can already envision a very nice party. Utterly different from what I've been doing for the past years. Smiles on everyone's faces, good music and food, laughter and excitement; the opposite of what has been for the past few years.

There's a knock on my door and I already know who it is before I ask them to come in.

Adelaide steps in with six different shopping bags. She's sweating and I feel bad for her. She's been really stressed out since I made the dinner party proposal.

She drops the bags on my bed with a thud before sighing in relief. "The dressmaker took my time. She said something about you wanting perfection,"

I nod as I stand on my feet. I'm so excited to see how my dress turned out. Infact, whatever she's saying right now is really none of my business.

I walk to my bed and pick up the first bag. It's quite larger than the others so I know which dress it contains. Putting it aside, I pick up the second bag.

I take the clothes out of the bag and gasp in surprise. A black dress lined with equally black glitter is staring directly at me, begging to be worn.

When I turn to look at Adelaide, she has a look of approval on her face. "It's a nice dress, isn't it?"

"It is," Adelaide replies and gestures to the other bags. "I'm guessing the others are equally as good, if not better."

I shrug. She's right but I have to put this dress on first. Adelaide doesn't really have a knack for knowing nicely fitted dresses. I'm sure Jocelyn would. After reading her resume and seeing that she has an interest in fashion, she's the right person to call.

"Can you ask Jocelyn to leave whatever she's doing so she can come here? I need her say in this,"

Adelaide nods. "Alright. I'll go get her."

In less than five minutes, Jocelyn is standing in my room with Adelaide standing beside her. I smile at her and twirl in my just worn dress.

"How do I look?"

Jocelyn steps forward and scrutinizes my dress. From her expression, I can tell that it's going to be a satisfactory review.

   "This dress is simple. Very nice. It makes you look like you're an attorney who's decided to attend a party once in her lifetime."

   "I wanted to say that," Adelaide says from behind us. I turn to look at her and smile.

   "Thanks, Adelaide," I say and then turn to Jocelyn who seems to be studying the details of my dress. "Do I try out another?"

   Jocelyn nods. "Yes, please. This dress isn't fitting in the right places. Though, they're miniscule, someone with good eyes would definitely see it,"

   She probably knows what she's saying. Checking the mirror again, I notice what she's talking about. The hip area isn't really snatched so it makes me look like a highschool teacher.

   "Thank you, Jocelyn," I say in gratitude. I move on to the next bag. "I knew you'd come in handy in times like this,"

   Jocelyn smiles and nods at me as she stands to the side while she watches me undress. She helps with my zipper and also helps with the thin ropes around my back when I wear the next dress.

   It's a sheer red satin dress. Glowing under the afternoon lights and swishing against my skin like water.

   This one isn't arms less. It has a long sleeve but my back is very bare. The neckline behind is so low that I can feel the thin hem of the dress touching my lower back. I feel it's indecent but when I turn to look at Jocelyn for review, she's smiling and nodding her head.

   "This is perfect, Ma'am Leela," Jocelyn says as she draws near to me. "Very perfect. Fit for this dinner. If you're looking to catch the eye of a certain man, I assure you that you will even without trying," Jocelyn says and winks.

   I burst into laughter before turning to look at Adelaide who's still standing by my vanity table. "Is that so?"

   She shrugs. "Quentin has been looking your way for the past few years but you never even look at him. I've seen you both together and I think you should at least, give him a chance,"

   I act like I didn't hear what she said. "I'll check the third and the last dress,"

   Jocelyn frowns. "There's two bags left though," She says as she points to the bag.

   How do I tell her it belongs to her without making her feel like I am doing her a favor?  I know women like this. They always feel wounded when someone offers to help them. I just really need to find a nice way to tell her this.

   But I need to try out the third dress first. Jocelyn helps with the ropes while I take my dress off.

   The third dress is a royal blue dress. It's also a satin dress but it has a sari like design where the long scarf to be wrapped around me is chiffon and transparent with a golden trimming. Jocelyn helps with the dress and I'm quite surprised that she wore it quite well.

   "Did you go to fashion school, Jocelyn?" I ask as I look at her with shock in my eyes.

   Jocelyn smiles and shakes her head. "No, ma'am. My mother used to love to dress us up and she has a good eye for fashion so I just loved it from then on,"

   Seizing the opportunity, I pick up the largest bag and hand it over to her. She stares at it in confusion but when I push it into her hand, she frowns.

   "It's for you, Jocelyn," I smile. "You've been of great help to me and my only way of repaying you is by getting you a nice dress to wear for the party."

   The look on her face is priceless but I don't care. I immediately dismissed her.

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