Chapter 64

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The meal was perfect. I enjoyed it immensely. We had dessert before deciding to go home.

Marcel stands to his feet and comes to my seat. Smiling at him, I lift myself up a bit and he pulls back the chair.


   "It's nothing," He says and smiles at me.

   As he makes payment, I stand by the side, waiting and watching the other patrons.

   My eyes rest on Marcel. I think he is attracted to me. Though I do not want to jump into conclusions, I feel it. I see it in the way he looks at me and today was enough for me to know.

   From him firing Gigi to making sure I was comfortable in the car to touching my face back at the office.

   It is in his eyes when he makes the payment and turns to look at me with a fond smile and I do not know what to make of it.

   I do not feel particularly comfortable that he's this way towards me as I will be living with him for the meantime. He's a nice guy but I just feel like it's not necessary. I want the relationship we have to remain strictly business.

   I mean, attraction to each other is only complicating the whole thing.

   "Ready to go home?"

   I nod and smile at him and he guides me through the array of tables, towards the lift. We wait a while before it opens up.

   "Mind telling me what connection you have to Julian?" Marcel asks once we settle into the car.

   I am just locking in my seatbelt when he asks that question and I turn to look at him in surprised confusion, wondering why he is suddenly asking me such questions.

   "Uhm, I wasn't expecting this," I say. I notice that his fingers have tightened around the car's steering wheel and his knuckles, pale. I feel like something is wrong so I ask. "Is anything wrong?"

   He shakes his head but I do not believe him. "Nothing exactly. I am just wondering why you got fired and all that,"

   I wait for him to start the car and when the revving dies down to a low pur, I reply to him. "He was really rude to me the day I applied to work in his company. I wasn't even expecting it and he was the last person I sent an application to before I met his mother. At that time, I didn't know they were related,"

   "So she sees you in front of her son's company looking all sad and she decides to employ you to work as her maid?"

   I nod. "Triple the pay. I mean, it was enticing and I had no option. And she was really nice to me and didn't even make me do so much. Not until that night..."

   He turned his head to look at me sharply as he drove out of the intersection. "What night?"

   I sigh and lean my head against the car's window. Thinking about it now makes me really angry and I really need to let it all out. I've been wanting to tell someone so I can feel better. Leela wasn't so nice to me before she fired me and it bothers me a lot.

   "The night I met Julian and his friends and realized that he was Leela's son," I laughed. "I recognised them all. I don't know if it was a coincidence but they were friends and it scared me that I had sent an application to their companies. At one point, I thought they all had a radar on me because how would four friends turn me down for stupid reasons?"

   Marcel sighs. "I can't be against them because I rejected you the first time I came,"

   "Which hurt so bad by the way," I chipper in.

   "I am sincerely sorry, Jocelyn and I promise I am a changed man,"

   Chuckling, I nod. "Of course, you are." Then I look at him. "Why are you so interested in my story though?"

   He shrugs. "Just curious and I also feel terrible for rejecting you,"

   "Don't. At least you helped me. All Julian did was make things miserable for me,"

   "How did he do that?"

   I sighed, remembering the morning he had accused me of seducing me and how he had greatly embarrassed me. "It's not something I think I can say,"

   "Why?" He asks, shooting a brow up. "You can always trust me, you know? I am the least judgemental person on the planet right now,"

   "Is that so?" I ask, raising my brows at him. He nods.

   "Yes. I don't care if you killed his girlfriend. I want to hear you out,"

   I nod. "On the night of the party, he got so drunk that he followed me to my room. Julian might be a terrible person but no one can deny that he is terribly attractive. At first, I resisted him, fighting off his advances but it didn't take time for him to actually get to me and we had sex,"

   Marcel nods. I read his body language but I can't pinpoint what he's giving off at the moment so I just take it as him listening to me.

   "So the next morning after everything, he accused me of seducing him," I felt my fists clench on my thighs as I relieved the memories from that morning. "It was so terrible and I was so angry. He wasn't even going to hear me out. He went ahead to inform his mother and that was when I knew his motive,"

   "To manipulate her into firing you?"

   I nod. "I didn't know that she had given him a warning to stay away from her staff. He's such an evil person. He knew I would be fired that morning but he seduced me! He made me sleep with him only for him to accuse me of seducing him the next morning. I felt absolutely terrible and I was so angry at myself that I had let him get his way with me. Theresa fired me that morning and asked me to leave with my payment,"

   I laugh when I remember how the event turned out. "Only to get back to my apartment to find the locks changed. One of his friends owns the building and Julian had asked him to eject me. That was how I became homeless."

   "That's fucked up, Jocey," He says. I can hear the tightness in his voice. "If I were you, I wouldn't stop till I bring them down and make them eat the dust,"

    I laugh. "I really wish I could do that but they're so influential. There's no way I am winning."

   "Not if I help you."

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