Chapter 57

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I was speaking with my cook when I saw her come down the steps. I forgot everything I had been planning on saying.


   Her curves hadn't been noticeable on the casual cargo pants and polo she was wearing but now, she was dressed in a skin tight skirt that outlined her long legs and a top that flattered her dark skin. She had a piece of simple jewelry worn around her neck and dangling from her ears.

   My eyes traveled down her long, smooth legs. She was wearing a nude stiletto. This wasn't something I'd admit out loud but I loved heels so much and I wanted to see her naked in it.

   My cook nudged me and like I was pulled out of a day dream, I looked at her, remembering that we were having a conversation before this beautiful lady came into the room.

   "I'll send the money to your account. The rest is left to you," I said and began walking away, not minding if I had been questioning her about the exorbitant amount she had asked for.

   I stopped at the base of the stairs and when Jocelyn got to where I stood, waiting for her, I stretched out my hand and she took it. I lowered my head and brought her hand to my lip, catching the whiff of her scent before kissing her soft skin.

   When I looked up at her, she had a look on and if she was light skinned, I would have seen a terrible blush on her face. "You look... Like my employee. A smart one,"

   I had wanted to tell her that she looked really breathtaking but now was the time for me to practice a good employer-employee relationship with her. I didn't want any strings attached. It wouldn't make our work ethic healthy.

   "Thank you, Mr Reynolds," She said and took the last step down.

   I shook my head immediately. "There's no way you're calling me that. It's Marcel and that's what it's going to be," Before she could say anything, I raised my hand. "I am your boss. Whatever I say is final."

   She sighed and nodded. "Of course, Marcel,"

   I looked at the time. It was almost twelve in the afternoon but that didn't matter. I was the boss and no one could question me.

   "We're leaving now," I said and began walking away. She followed after me and as we made our exit, I kept looking back at her. "Today's going to be quite a free day for you. I just have to show you around, introduce you to the people you would be working with and other important people. After that, we would talk about your schedule and pay."

   Jocelyn nodded and when we got to the door of my car, I realized that I would have to get her a new car tomorrow. But today, she was going to be riding with me.

   I pulled the car door open and she smiled at me in appreciation before slipping into the car. Once we were settled in, I signaled for my driver to drive us to the office.


The drive to the office was a mixture of silence and conversations. It was me mostly asking questions relating to his company and how it managed it. I learnt a few things from him and one of the things I learnt was how smart he was. He wasn't just smart. He was a brilliant man. A very brilliant man who knew his way around in the business world. It was something I admired about him and I wished to be like him some day.

   The drive to the office was quite short; a twenty minute drive as the road was clear this afternoon. There were no gridlocks as it was day time and everyone was in their place of work or at school.

   The driver swerved into the large parking lot and drove towards a private parking space that was meant for just the company's executives. He killed the engine and the car doors opened automatically. I had been planning on opening the door but my mouth was wife in awe as I stepped out of the car.

   Marcel saw my expression and chuckled before picking up his briefcase. I hiked my purse higher to also feel like I had come to work here.

   He nodded at me and we walked together into the building.

   The first thing I noticed as we walked through the lobby into the large hall that had junior staff working behind their cubicles was that their eyes were suddenly on me. I swallowed and squared my shoulders.

   They probably remembered me from the last time I came here. What irked me the most was how they were all Caucasians. There were no black people here and it felt like I was experiencing a culture shock. How was it going to be for me here? Would they treat me with respect or like a random black woman who was over ambitious?

   I had heard tales of white men and black men alike hating on black women because they wanted it all; success, recognition.

   One thing they failed to understand was that we were always at loss. From being a woman, it was a loss for us. Being a black woman was like double loss. That was why every black woman in power had lots of people hating on her.

   Marcel stopped in front of the receptionist's desk and immediately she saw him, she stood to her feet immediately. "Good afternoon, Mr Reynolds."

   "Good afternoon, Renee. I want you to do something for me," He said and glanced at me. I also realized that the woman kept darting her eyes to me. "She's the head of the administrative department and I want you to request a space for her car in the executive parking lot. Also, she needs an id card and her own office at the top floor. Make sure it's done before the end of today."

   The woman took a while to reply. I saw the shock written on her face. I was also shocked, too.

   "Of course, Mr Reynolds."

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