RQ: Modern!LawxReader 5 - A hundred more...

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For Lisa Rose Jones on Quotev


It was around noon when Skype went off and you nearly tripped over everything while rushing to your bedroom.

Falling onto the bed almost face first you click the accept button so hard you could have broken your screen, but rather than breaking the screen goes black for a moment as the person on the other side's camera turns on. Soon you were meet face to face with your boyfriend, whom you have not seen physically in the past five years since he moved to England.

"Law...!" You practically cheered at the sight of him, he looked a little more tired than usual, and wasn't even wearing his hat like he normally was.

Upon closer inspection you noticed he wasn't in the cafe like he normally was when he called around this time, which probably explained his lack of head wear. The fallow skinned man gave you a small, yet tired, smile.

"(Name).." He greets you, his voice practically makes you melt, it's been over a month since you've last spoken.

"How are you?" You ask him and he frowns a bit.

"Tired.." He sighs, you see him lean back in his chair, probably sitting at his desk, while pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Haven't been getting enough sleep have you..?" You ask him, more as a statement but he nods never the less.

"Schools been rough..." He says, opening his eyes and look at you, still leaned back in his chair he smiles again, the smile that only you have ever had the pleasure of seeing.

"But I feel a bit better when I see you.." He says, in an instant he seemed to realize how embarrassing it was to say that and a rose color seemed to dust his cheeks as he looks away from the screen.

You let out a soft laugh, his eyes turning back towards the screen, a small smile shows on his lips when he hears you.

"I miss you..." You admit, leaning towards the screen, wanting to be closer to him. He does the same and sighs, you see him move his hand towards the screen, but it moves out of the camera's line of sight.

"I miss you too..." He admits, his cheeks turning red again before coughing and sitting back.

It has been a rough five years, not having the money to visit one another, and trying to make this relationship last over the internet.

"One more year..." He says quietly, a small smile covers your lips now.

"One more year and I'll come home.." He whispers and your heart flutters, just like it's done every time you've ever talked to him.

"I'd wait a hundred more.." You respond and his eyes widen a bit, his cheeks flushing again, but instead of looking away he just smiles at you, and the both of you just enjoy the comfortable silence shared between you.

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