RQ:WhitebeardAndCoxSickandInjured!Reader: Silence

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For bellbell2345 on DA


You woke up feeling a bit dizzy, but brushed it off the feeling and carried on. As the day progressed you started to feel worse and worse, but you powered through it, you'd take it easy tomorrow you guess.

You were nodding off towards the side of the deck, people had asked you if you were okay and you had told them you were fine, lying and saying you didn't sleep much last night. Some people looked like they didn't believe you, but you just waved them off while going somewhere else.

"Yo, (Name)!" Ace said walking over to you. You could barely look up at him, yawning a bit. He frowns and was about to say something when someone started yelling on the other side of the ship. Ace turned and left quickly, apparently they said something bad cause suddenly everyone was tense. You see people jump over the edge of the other side of the ship, and realized it was probably another group wanting to challenge your captain.

Your eyes narrow a bit at them, but then your vision blurs. You couldn't move, you were too tired. You saw a few people glance at you, questioning why you were still sitting there while this was happening, but you couldn't move. Spots starts to form in your vision as the challengers yell thing you can't make out as your hearing fades.

You should have stayed in bed.

Suddenly you black out, and you feel like you come to just as fast but when you open your eyes you see everyone fighting. There were more people attacking than you thought, which was fine cause it didn't matter how many they had, they would still lose.

You stand up slowly, trying to get off the deck, knowing that right now you'd be useless when you feel something pierce your shoulder. You let out a weak cry and look at your right shoulder, seeing blood start to pour from the fresh wound. The shock almost makes you fall over, but you feel someone steady you.

"Shit...(Name) What's wrong with you!?" You heard someone yell, looking up you see an angry Thatch. You open your mouth to say something but you felt so tired and cold, he looks confused for a moment before pressing one hand to your head. You see his eyes widen a bit and he curses under his breath.

"Your sick." He states, not really phrasing it as a question, but you nod none the less. Someone else attacks and drags away Thatch's attention momentarily as you try to stumble away off the deck. But before you reach the stairs down you feel something hit the right side of your back. Looking down you see the tip a a dagger poke out of your side.

"Sh-Shit..." You gasped, swinging around with as much force possible, your fist collides with someones jaw and it sends them reeling back. You stumble backwards and almost collapse.

"(Name)!" You heard Ace call you, turning most of the attention around you in your direction. You see some of your fellow crew mates pale at the sight of the dagger sicking out of you, and the wound on your shoulder. You were normally quick, and hard to hit, what was going on? Suddenly everything shook a bit, the shock caught you off guard and everything went black again.

You woke up a few hours later in your bed, an wet cloth on your forehead and enough drugs in your system to make you forget that you were shot and stabbed today. Glancing around the room you noticed it was oddly silent, with the amount of people on board that was completely wrong. You sat up slowly, cringing a bit when the wound on your side hurts more than the one on your shoulder.

"What happened...?" You muttered, throwing your feet over the side of the bed, willing yourself to go investigate.

It took longer than you would have liked, but eventually you made it to the deck, noting that a lot of the crew was up there, and it was dead silent.

"What the fuck..?" You said, mildly surprised at them. A lot of them turned in your direction when you spoke and grins took over their faces.

"(Name)!" Some yelled, running over to you and nearly hugging you but you held up your hand before they did.

"Still hurt.." You reminded them, teetering to the side a bit, you might be sick still as well. They looked startled for a moment before giving you disapproving looks.

"You should still be in bed-yoi!" You heard Marco call out, some people muttered in agreement but you gave them a shrug.

"Didn't feel like it.~" You said childishly, sticking your tongue out in his direction, you heard a few people chuckle.

"Your sick and injured (Name)." Someone reminded you, you weakly shrug, as if their reminder made your body go, oh yeah I am sick!, and you suddenly felt tired again. Some people noticed and they glared at you.

"Go to bed (Name)." Someone ordered, but you crossed your arms and huffed, you didn't feel that bad.

"No." You said stubbornly, earning a few chuckles from people who could see your pout. Someone pokes your cheek and you turn and glare at them, your eyes meeting slightly amused dark brown ones.

"Bed." Ace said smoothly, poking your cheek again. You bite his finger and it bursts into flames, your teeth snap together as you bight through him. A faint taste of smoke, like a campfire, settles on your tongue. He lets out a short laugh, being cut off by a loud voice.

"Go to bed (Name)." You heard your captain order, you see Ace smirk, knowing you can't say no now. You puff your cheeks a bit before turning around, stumbling slightly. You feel someone pick you up and you whine a bit.

"Put me down..!" You wiggled a bit, you heard Ace laugh behind you as the person holding you sighs.

"You can barely walk...(Name)-yoi." You heard make say as he makes his way towards your room. You see Ace move to walk in front of the both of you. You glare at him, unable to turn around and glare at the guy holding you. But you were now to tired to fight back.

Everything had started to blur together and you realized that they were right, you shouldn't have been moving around. But you wanted them to talk, because the silence had scared you. Ace kept cracking jokes with Thatch, who joined us in that small little bedroom, a smile on your lips as you drifted to sleep. You didn't mind being in bed, just don't leave the place so quiet.

It's so unnatural, if this place is quiet.

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