Child!Ace 3: Orange Crayon

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Your class was drawing, the teacher passed out buckets of crayons for every table. Each table had at least one of each color. So sharing was mandatory! But a little dark haired boy was having none of that! No he took the colors he wanted, and refused to share them.

You pout at the boy across from you.
"Aaaaace..!"You whine reaching for the orange crayon again. He snatches it up and holds it away from you.
"Gimme!" You whined again grabbing his arm, he pulls away and sticks his tongue out at you.
"No!" He huffs turning away from you, you pout some more and throw a red crayon at his head.
"Oww!"He yelps when it smacks him on the forehead point first. He glares at you and throws the orange one at you. It smacks you on the top of the head but you grin picking it up off the floor.
"Thanks Ace!" You say going back to coloring your orange cat. He gapes at you then crosses his arms pouting.

Thirty minutes later the bell rings signaling lunch, Ace was the first one out the door, still fuming. You chase after him and grab his arm in the hallway near the cafeteria. He glares at you, but you just smile and hug him, you hand him a piece of paper and run off ahead of him. He looks at you surprised but then frowns and opens the paper. He blushes lightly at the messy looking orange cat drawn on the paper.

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