Child!Sabo/Adult!Sabo 3: Gifts

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:Ten Years Ago:

You ran through the forest, clutching a small package to your chest. You knew they had a tree house out there, but you weren't sure where. You woke up really early this morning, grabbing the package and was out the door before the sun even started to rise. So now here you were running through the woods with your gift, in the pitch black of predawn.

You let out a huff, you didn't think it would be this hard to find them. You clutch the package closer to your tiny body when you hear something growl. Your eyes widen when they mean golden slits. you let out a ear piercing scream and run as fast as you can away. You heard more growling and barking from behind as you ran as fast as your little legs would carry you.

All you wanted to do was give him a stupid present, it was his stupid birthday, and he had saved you awhile back so you thought you'd give him something. But now here you were, about to be eaten by stupid wolves, while trying to deliver this stupid present! You scream again as one of the wolves lunge at you, and miss you by a hair. You jumped and grabbed onto a low branch and climbed up the tree, the wolves stop and circle around under you.

"Saaaaaaboooooo..." You cried, rubbing your eyes as tears start to fall. You keep crying for him but he never shows. The sun rises, lighting up the forest. You cling to the package and scream when one of the wolves jumps up and snaps at your feet. You call out for him again, rubbing your now sore and puffy eyes. Your throat hurt, you were screaming for him for the last few hours. You felt like you were going to die here when you hear something next to you.

Panicking, thinking it was one of the wolves that somehow managed to get into the tree, you almost fall off the branch. But something grabs you and holds you upright. When you see it's the familiar blond you hug him.
"Sabo!" you said gleefully, and extremely releived. He smacks you on the head.
"Oww..!" You whine, rubbing the top of your head. He glares at you.
"Why are you out here, you know it's not safe!" He reminds you but you just pout at him.
"I wanted to give you this..." You said handing him the package. He looks at it confused for a moment, you sigh.
"It's your birthday!" You said, resisting the urge to smack him on the head again, he gasps.
"Oh..! It's today!?" He grins at you and you sigh. One of the wolves jump up and snap at your foot again and you yelp and cling to Sabo. He glares at the wolves then looks at a tree across from him and nods.

Next thing you know two blurs jump from the tree and then two of the wolves fall down. The others jump back with a yelp, they glare at the two dark haired boys in front of them. Sabo jumps out of the tree your in and lands on one of the wolves right before knocking it out, only two wolves left. You watched as they fight the wolves, which ended up turning around and fleeing, yelping and barking at them. You giggle and hop out the tree.

"Thanks!" you thanked them for getting rid of the wolves, Ace glares at you and Luffy laughs.
"Why were you in a tree?" Luffy asks, Sabo holds up his package you gave him.
"She came here to give me this." He says, Ace snatches it and shakes it, Luffy looks at it with his eyes sparkling.
"Oooooh what is it!?" He asks, grabbing at it, but Sabo takes it back and glares at them.
"It's a birthday present!" He says, the other two freeze and looked at each other.
"Today is..." Ace starts.
"Sabo's Birthday...?" Luffy finishes, they both get wide eyed and run off, looking for something to give to Sabo.

Sabo laughs at them as they run off, arguing about what they should go get, or find. You giggle at them before turning to Sabo.
"Well go on, open it!" You giggle. He grins back and tears open the paper, pulling out a little box.
"I didn't know what to give you, so I made you this..." You said, blushing a bit when he pulls out a little bracelet. It had two pictures on it, both were of his brothers. He stares at it for a minute and then smiles at you.
"It's pretty neat! You made this?" He looks back at it, it was made of metal and was carefully decorated. You nod and grin at him again.
"Yep! My dad helped me...says I'm to young to use the forge by he had to be there with me!" You say, he looks at you shocked. But then he smiles, you blush slightly and look away.
"Thanks (Name)!"

:Current Date:

You snapped out of your memory when you felt someone tap you on the forehead. Looking up you see Koala grinning at you.
"What did you get him?" She asks, knowing you understood what she meant by that question. You blush a bit and look away from her.
"I wonder if he still has it..." You sigh to yourself, ignoring Koala's persistence in trying to figure out your gift.
"Still has what?" She muses, sitting in front of you.
"My first gift to him was a bracelet..." You sigh, she tilts her head to the side, trying to recall if she has ever seen him with a bracelet.
"I can't think of anything I can give him more meaningful that that...It was hand crafted by me." You sigh while she gapes at you.

"You made him a bracelet, would it even survive ten years?" She wonders, you sighed and shook your head. She thought you made her the kinds of bracelets kids make, the ones made of string and beads.
"It's made from metal, my father was a forger..." You sigh, brushing your bangs behind your ears. She stares at you, surprised again.
"You forged a bracelet for him at the age of eight?" She gasps, then she grins at you.
"You must have had a crush on him for a long time.~" She hums, your gaze narrows on her and she just smiles innocently.

"A crush on who?" A familiar voice says behind you, though the voice sounded a bit sad at the moment. You turned around quickly, meeting the gaze of the blond. Your mouth falls open and you just stare at him. He frowns at you, his head tilted slightly. He pulls his hat down a bit, covering his eyes with a dark shadow, making them hard to see. You can hear Koala snickering behind you. You toss her a 'Shut up!' look and turn back to the chief of staff.
"N-no one, she's just picking on me..." You said, cursing your stutter. His frown seems to deepen slightly, he turns abruptly and walks away. You stare after him, both socked and very confused. Koala starts laughing.
"(N-Name) ..! You idiot..!" She gasps, holding her side. You glare at her.
"What? What did I do!?" You huffed, she grins at you and leans over the table and whispers something in your ear. Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open again. She pulls back and makes a gesture with her hands telling you to go after him. You get up and run after Sabo, but he purposefully avoids you.

It took you hours to hunt down the man, an corner him in the library. You stood in front of him, trying to catch your breath. He gives you a cold look that sends shivers down your spine.
"What?" He asks you when you stand upright. You take a deep breath.
"Happy Birthday." You said to him with a huge smile. He looks at you, mildly shocked, but then goes back to an unreadable expression.
"I didn't know what to give you, because the first gift I gave you meant a lot to me..." You start, he relaxes a bit, but his lips still stayed in a small frown.
"Because it was the first successful thing I made, and I made it for someone I cared about, and I made it with someone I loved." You continue, he blushes slightly, but otherwise his expression stays the same.

"With that gift I gave you my heart..."You said, your face turning red. He opens his mouth but then closes it, his eyes widening.
"So I have nothing left to give you...but.."You take a deep breath and look him in the eye.
"All I have left to give to you, is me." You finish, a dark blush on your cheeks. His face turns red and he covers his mouth, the blush gets so bad he pulls his hat down to hide his face. You looked at him confused until you saw the blood coming form his face, your face turns even redder while you walk up to him and smack him on the head.

"I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!" You scream, he grins at you while pinching his nose, pulling you into a hug with his other arm.
"Sorry..." He laughs, you pout at him.
"Pervert." You accuse, but you hug him back.

"Now let's get you cleaned up before you bleed on me..." You sigh pulling away from him.

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