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Do you ever just feel trapped; bored with your life? I did. It was like every time I heard what I should do, what was expected of me, I just wanted to scream! All I wanted was some fun. I needed excitement like I need air. Before, I was predictable; I knew it, the whole world and their mother knew it.  My life became a boring pop song and everyone was singing along. I need excitement and I found it.

The day I tried out for The XFactor, I never expected to become anybody important.  I never thought I would become jaded. I had it all, I have it all. I just needed more. I guess those are famous last words. At least they are the last words of the old me.

Over the past two years I have learned some lessons I never expected to be taught. Being normal is boring. Living extraordinary is tiring. Living safe is uneventful. Those lessons made me realize all I wanted was to find something for me, to have something no one else in the world knew about. Sure, I could have gone out and got drunk, laid anything with large breasts but that is not who I am or were.  This way I have control, I have confidence and I have something that is solely for me and not because it is expected of me.

And for the record, I do it for me. What I do may give other’s pleasure but at the end of the day, it is what I want. I choose the job. It seemed wild and crazy and looking back on in it, a bit insane. However, it was completely me. I just never knew that side of myself. The thing that makes this job all mine is I do not need it for the reasons that trap others. I do what amuses me. It is totally I. 

The one down side is, I hate keeping such an important part of my life from my mates but I mean “Le secret d'ennuyer est celui de tout dire (The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.)" Some things are better left personal but I learned the hard way nothing juicy can ever stay buried in the world of fame and fortune. But I regret nothing.

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