Chapter 31 - Miss Dolly

Depuis le début

" Y/n-chan did say they are people and she looks the prettiest among all the toys here " Sanji kept his attention on you as play with children.

You were talk of the town since you appearance and the way you entertained the people is truly amazing.

A crowd was surrounding you after awhile.

" Cook let's grab Y/n " Zoro said as he couldn't even see you because of the people.

" Bye Miss Dolly! " A child said.

" Wait no! Miss Dolly please come back we still want to play! "

Children were wondering why you left

" Y/n-chan is missing! " Sanji began panicking.

" Stop standing there looking stupid and look for her! " Zoro yelled. " Shut up! Go that way while I go here " Sanji said as he started running yelling your name like a madman.


Reader's Pov:

I played with the children until something caught my eyes. It was sugar...I gotta try knocking her out before she give trouble.

" Oh no! I'm sorry everyone but it seems like my duty is over" I quickly said before running to follow Sugar, ignoring the complain of the people of Dressrosa.

I wouldn't ever forgive myself if something happened.

I manage to blend it  with the rest of the toy as I was supposed to enter her room still I felt something tug my dress.

My eyes widen as I saw it trying to pull me away from Sugar's room.... could it be someone I know?

" Do I know you? " I asked as I pick it up and it began nodding it's head. I could they be.

I took out my drawing notebook.

" Please point out which one you are " I asked the doll. It flip through the pages till it finally stop and pointed at the drawing.

" Ace?! " I whisper yelled. That means he wouldn't meet someone.

Wait... how come I still remember who he was? Is it because I'm from another world?

" Everyone has forgotten about you haven't they? " I asked. I couldn't imagine the pain has to go through.


Ace Pov:

I finally got someone to remember me! It seems like Y/n wasn't affected.

I felt her tears fall into me.

" Everyone has forgotten about you haven't they? " She asked. I wish I could reply but I simply can't. You can't go into that room.

I hug her face. Curse being so fucking tiny.

" I will bring you back " She said and she put me on one of her pockets.

I wonder what she's going to do...

She slowly walk towards the kid and took out their sword about to knock her out.

Y/n scream in pain as her right arm with her sword got rip off. I fell out of her pocket.

She look at me in worried and pick me up and threw me outside.

" RUN!!! " She scream.

She saved me...once again.

Your Pov:

My arm...I scream in pain as I couldn't regrew it back. It's been a long time since I felt that kind of pain...

I look at Ace before I threw him outta of the window

" RUN!!! " I scream because it was the only way we could both survive.

I look at Doflamigo as I use my other arm to grab my katana but he kicks me down putting all of his weight into me.

I heard him laugh and I knew... I fucked up.

I'm going to be forgotten...

He pulled me up

" It's great finally meeting you " He said.

My feet couldn't reach the floor.

" What should we do with Miss Dolly, Doffy? " Sugar asked.

If Doffy is here that means he isn't coming for law just yet! I guess I will he the decoy!

" Throw her to the dungeon and put her to my office once your done " He order one of his servants. " Fuck " Was the only word I could say before I got tossed aside.


To be continued


I'm finally back!! Sorry for not updating cause my childhood dog died from a motorcycle accident.

Hopefully everyone is doing well <3

Thank you for the support!

No longer a musician ( One piece x deaf reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant