Lyu was just about to confirm what I was thinking as she took out the hearts of 3 barbarians we had killed. She also then pulled out some skull sheep wool. 

She had taken a backpack from the adventurers so she was able to carry all this around fairly easily.

"Only the west and north connect together. We are currently south and we need to get North. Other than that all other routes are not connected,"

We then got close together and squeezed the hearts above our heads. The smell was repulsive. 

After we squeezed all the hearts on top of each other we covered ourselves with the wool. 

"Move slowly and do not panic, although I don't think I have to remind you this,"

I nodded. We then slowly moved forward. The long stretch of land we were on right now was filled with monsters. Even right now we weren't at the coliseum but there was enough to overwhelm higher-class adventurers.

A few monsters stared at us for a bit longer than I would have liked but in the end, none ended up attacking us.

Still not making any noise at all we had finally made it to the coliseum. We had taken the highest route since there were a whole bunch of monsters fighting down below in the center. Whenever one died another one would respawn and then jump right back into fighting.

Just then, a lizard man spawned right in front of us making us stop abruptly. Then, almost instantly a Spartoi spawned from right below us.

It grabbed my leg before I could even react. I quickly grabbed my Hestia knife to try and chop off the bone, and while I did cut through it, the rest of the Spartoi spawned. Causing the sheep wool to fall off of us and cover the Spartoi.

"Fuck..." I muttered as I looked around and noticed that all the monsters were now looking right at us.

Instantly the lizard man in front of us ran right at us. I chopped off its head and yelled


We bolted towards the north as fast as we could go. But thanks to the intelligence of the monsters on the floor they started to cut us off rather than go right at us.

"Lyu, start chanting,"

She started chanting and I fought a way forward and Lyu covered my back. 

4 barbarians then covered my path. I jumped up and sliced one across the neck while dodging another one's punch mid-air.

I then ran under that one and sliced his Achilles making him fall and then killing him. Using his head as a stepping stool I did a backflip as I flew into the air. 

I landed on another Barbarian's shoulder, stabbed him in both of his eyes then sliced his neck. 

Lyu was still chanting but she was able to swiftly take out the last one by throwing one of her daggers right in the forehead. As I jumped onto its falling body I grabbed the knife from its forehead and threw it back to Lyu who caught it then cut through another Lizardman that was behind us.

We kept on fighting like this in absolute teamwork. There was not one missed beat, most of the time we didn't even need words.

The monsters were starting to get overwhelming though. I didn't have the stamina to use Killer Instinct at all right now, if I did I would say maybe 4 or 5 seconds before I would pass out.

I then sliced forward through a Spartoi and we were finally on the stretch of land that went to the north. 

The last batch of monsters were right in front of us.

"I'll hold them back!" Lyu yelled as I went forward and quickly cut all the way through, the only issue right now was that despite the number of monsters Lyu was holding off she still hadn't used her magic. She had finished her chant a while ago too.

I decided though that she knew what she was doing and left the rear to her.

My face was completely covered in blood. Not only from the Barbarian heart from earlier but from the massacre that was happening now.

I cut through one last Spartoi and now only a few monsters were left.

"Lyu!" I called out as I turned around, I was going to tell her that now was the time to run forward. 

But one look in her eyes and I started running back.

'PLEASE, PLEASE, I TRUSTED YOU...DON'T...' thought to myself as I reached my hand out trying to grab her despite her being so far back.

She faced me despite the monsters about to jump on her at any moment.

"I'm sorry," Those words seemed to stand out compared to the sounds of monsters yelling, then she activated her magic and sent the balls of wind on the bridge. 

The bridge collapsed, but it was the only thing that had collapsed just then, so did my trust.

We both stood there for a moment. Despite the monsters getting closer at any moment, we just stood there.

I was sure she was looking at me, but I refused to look at her. When I looked up though Lyu had turned around and was fighting monsters.


I turned around as well and ran as fast as I could.

(Lyu POV)

Sorry, Bell. But you can survive this. I know you can, but it won't be possible for us both. Surely your genius mind had already realized that and you tried to give me hope that I would be able to live.

I sliced through a monster and then was hit on the side by a barbarian which caused many of my ribs to break.

Despite knowing I was going to die I kept on fighting, I wasn't going to die without giving it my all. Maybe it was because of how my friends had gone out, or maybe even because of my elven pride I got back up and swiftly killed said barbarian.

Monsters were surrounding me from all sides as I moved towards the center of the coliseum before I even knew it.

"ACK!" Then there was piercing pain right by my abdomen, A Spartoi had pierced me with a sword right there.

Then A lizard man punched me right across the face, sending me right to the ground.

'This is it...'

It had not even been 5 minutes since Bell and I had separated and now look at where I was. At least he had managed to escape though.

I closed my eyes, ready to accept the inevitable. Then I heard the sound of flesh piercing. A long black spike had pierced through the Barbarian about to crush me, then many more killed the monsters all around me.


I looked up to see Bell who had some sort of glowing red stone in his hand towards the west. I noticed what it was immediately, it was the stones Jura and the others had used to blow up the 25-27th floors.

He ran right towards me, with only one knife and stone in hand, and dodged all of the monsters.

When he got to the center he picked me up, I was still too confused as to how he even got here to even process what was happening though.

Then he through the stone against the ground and turned with me in his arms to protect me.


That wouldn't be enough to make it explode, as I was about to say it though he summoned a shadow spike and had it collide with a piece of stone close to the bomb, making the friction between the two cause a spark that landed on the bomb. 

The next instant the whole place was in flames.

The last thing I remembered was the look on Bell's face. You wouldn't think he had just had his trust betrayed in his expression. It was, for lack of a better word just empty.

Then, it was like something had hit me just then and there. I had most definitely made the wrong choice. I had done something unchangeable.

Before I could say anything though I was knocked out.

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