Chapter 10: Naruto's Training Part 2

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Naruto is training again but he gonna walk in water this time and learn how to control the nine tails chakra. Also sorry for not posting much I will try, but for now let's start the chapter.

(Naruto was walking to Obito's house like his regular routined it been a month since Obito's birthday it is March 3rd) (When Naruto gets to Obito's house he sees obito reading his book like normal, but not the books jiraya makes) Naruto: Hey obito sensei! Obito: Oh hey Naruto ready to train. Naruto: Yeah BELIEVE IT DATTEBAYO! Naruto: Wait what are we doing today since I learned how to walk on a tree. Obito: Follow me. (Obito and Naruto walked to a river where nobody can find them) Obito: Your gonna learn how to walk on water this time and after that you'll learn how to control the nines tails chakra. Naruto: Sounds so cool. Obito: It's not when you fall in the water. Naruto: It's fine you taught me how to swim a few weeks ago. Obito: Now you know why I taught you how to swim. Naruto: I think so. (Obito face palms) Naruto: What? Obito: Nothing. Obito: Anyways let's start. Naruto: Ok! Obito: So do the same thing like you did to walk on the tree but instead walk on the water. (Naruto tries it but falls in the water) Naruto: That's so hard! Obito: Told you. (Naruto gets out the water and takes off his shirt and his pants are water proof) Naruto: Can I have a demonstration. Obito: Sure (Obito starts to walk on the water) Obito: Like this you try now. (Naruto tries a few more times but fails) Naruto: This is harder than walking on a tree. Obito: Focus and think of water act like there is nothing around you. Obito: I didn't get on my first try either, but I got it eventually. (Naruto tries what he said and started walking on water) Naruto: I did it Dattebayo! Obito: Good now get dried so we can work on something else. Naruto: Ok! (After Naruto takes a shower they start working on the nine tails chakra)

Naruto: So what do I have to do first? Obito: So do you remember when I taught you chakra control. Naruto: No. (Obito face palms) Naruto: Sorry (Obito explains it to Naruto again) (author: I don't want to explain chakra control because I don't want to, and I forgot how chakra control works so can you tell me how it works so I know thanks) Naruto: Oh now I get it. (Naruto does what he says, but it doesn't work) Naruto: It doesn't work! Obito: Focus your chakra and stay calm and try going into your mindscape. Naruto: My what?  Obito: Your mindscape when you control your chakra you will see a big cell and the nine tails. Obito: Since were talking about that try befriending the nine tails so this training can be easier. Naruto: Ok, but what is his real name. Obito: Idk, but you can ask him when you get their. Naruto: OK! (Naruto focus his chakra and he opens his eyes and sees and dark room and a big cell) Naruto: Whoa what is this place so cool. (Kurama comes out) Kurama: Who are you kid and get out of here! Naruto: Whoa you look so cool what's your name? Kurama In head: Nobody has asked me that before. Kurama: My name is Kurama the nine tails fox and you are a jinchuuriki. Naruto: A what? Kurama: Listen kit you are the nine tails jinchuuriki and you know the person your training with is dangerous right? Naruto: Obito sensei is not dangerous. Kurama: He is the reason your parents are dead. Naruto: I know that he told me but it was an accident, but you technically killed my parents all he did was summoned you. Naruto: Anyways want to be my friend I only have one friend which is obito sensei, but you can be my second friend. Kurama: Sure I guess. Naruto: So obito sensei said you can make me stronger. Kurama: Yes I can. Naruto: Well I only will need it in some stuff not all though. Naruto: But for now I need to get back so bye Kurama. Kurama: Se you around kit, but just to let you know I don't like your sensei. Naruto: It's fine I don't mind, but he will. (After that Naruto wakes up and sees obito leaning against a tree and sleeping) Naruto: Obito sensei wake up! (Obito wakes up then falls down on the ground) Obito: Ouch... Naruto: Sorry... Obito: It's fine, but did you do it? Naruto: Oh yeah I befriended him and his name is Kurama. Obito: Ok but show me if you can control the chakra. (Naruto shows obito that he can use Kurama's chakra) Obito: Good job! Naruto: Can we have ramen now? Obito: Sure why not. (While they were eating ramen)
Naruto: Obito sensei when I talked to Kurama he said he didn't like you do you know why? Obito: No... Naruto: Ok then. (After they ate Naruto slept at Obito's house and then they both went to go to sleep)

Author: That is it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. Also schools almost out I don't like school so I am happy it is almost over and when school is out I can post more often for you guys. I hope you guys have a great day or night.

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