Chapter twenty seven

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Something had (y/n) very worried about what the twins said over the break. On the first day back at school they kept registering to themselves throughout lunch and potions class. Every time she asked them what the conversation was the glint in their eyes faded slightly just before the reply nothing before going back to the whispering.

Something would be happening today, their detention with umbridge wasn't until the weekend so she guessed they wanted to leave just before then. (y/n) decided not to pay them any attention and went on with her classes, Fred and George didn't even notice this until she was making her way to the great hall for dinner.

"(y/n)!" They had the biggest smiles on their faces while running up to her and tugging her into a small storage room just by the great hall.

"Stay clear of the east wing alright." She frowned at them confused seeing nothing in their hands.

"You're leaving, aren't you? Tonight." Their grins faded.

"Well yeah, but we can send you letters." They didn't seem at all nervous, in fact, they were calm about the whole thing.

"There are only two months left then when you ace your exams you can..."

"It's not about that. What if something goes wrong and she catches you?" Fred let out a laugh waving his hand.

"No way."

"If that toad lady catches us our reputation will plummet." A smile landed on her face for a moment. George took hold of her hand leaning in for a kiss.

" Just promise you'll stay clear from there yeah?" She nodded letting him kiss her.

"Oi, we don't have time. Remember Harry." She didn't know what that meant and frowned as they ran off leaving the door to swing into the wall with a loud bang. Wanda jumped when seeing the twins sprint out.

"Not very subtle are they? You want to go for a walk?" (y/n) peaked out just managing to see the orange hair disappear around the corner.

"Might as well let's just avoid the east wing." Wanda snorted shaking her head.

"Those two up to something big?" A sigh left (y/n) while she nodded.

"Yeah, so are you and...." She raised her hand groaning.

"Don't even say his name, Merlin the men at this school suck, let's raid the kitchens yeah? I heard they have strawberry tarts." (y/n) perked up at that now picking up the pace to the new destination.

And for a solid ten minutes, she forgot about what would happen in the near future until while Wanda and she were walking along with their new stash of tarts Peeves came zooming past knocking (y/n)'s half-eaten food.

"Ooo what fun the pink lady can't fix what they've done." Wanda handed over one she had left.

"You think that was about the Weasleys?" There was a screech down the hall and they looked at one another before going into a sprint to see what had happened. Half the school stood around watching the scene unfold.

"You two are about to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school." (y/n) peaked her head from behind the group of students in front of her trying to see Umbridge.

"I think we've outgrown full-time education." Fred's voice was clear. Wanda tugged off (y/n) to pull her into a spot so both of them could see Fred and George staring down at Umbridge.

"Yeah, I've been feeling that way myself." Their wands raised before Umbridge could say a word.

"Accio brooms." following a loud crash (y/n) turned gasping.

"Wanda get down." Clinging onto her friend she pulled them down to avoid being smacked by the brooms bristles.

"Damn, thanks." They stood in time to see the twins mount their brooms.

"We won't be seeing you." Fred grinned. Ready to take off.

"If any is interested in buying a portable swamp, come to number 93 Diagon Alley. Weasley's wizard wheezes."Wanda glanced at (y/n).

"Portable swamp? Is that what I smell." The two of them looked to the side seeing students drenched not too far from them.

"I think so."

"Stop them!" But that didn't work the twins flew into the air, everyone watched while Umbridge tried going after them but the twins were long gone.

"Have you seen the swamp?" (y/n) jolted where she stood turning to see Galicia with her arms crossed by the hallway behind them.

"No, we weren't near...." She stopped speaking when Samantha walked out arms crossed and soaked head to toe in swamp water. (y/n) tried not to laugh. "Spent some time in the east wing did you." Wanda was holding her mouth laughing quietly next to her.

"What gave it away."

"And you of course weren't hanging out with Lee were you?" Kate asked and they all looked further down to see Lee in the same situation as Samantha.  Covered in swamp goop.

"Oh alright, I was he took me out on a nice date and I think it might work out." The girls hummed not completely convinced from all the whining she did just two weeks ago.

Umbridge had forgotten the deletion she promised the students from DA from the constant requests from each teacher and students running mock around the castle. (y/n) During this time was able to get some real studying done. With her visions at bay for once there wasn't anything to worry about at present.

In the middle of dinner, she snuck off saying she needed the bathroom, but really she was messaging the twins. They asked Ron to borrow his owl so they could talk to (y/n) without Umbridge knowing. Which had been working fine if they delivered the owls at night.

The owl would land on the small courtyard only assessable to the Ravenclaws which she picked so Umbridge couldn't easily find it. Pigwigden was waiting for her like normal the past two weeks for her with a letter on his beak.

"Please tell us you haven't just been studying since we've been gone? Dating two tricksters and you're still worried about an exam that we know you'll ace without the extra hours of studying....'
The door opened to two voices. She folded back up the letter.

"I'll write a letter tonight, I'll bring you snacks." With that pigwidgen flew away just as (y/n) saw Galicia come walking out with someone else.

"I told you no one comes up here." He said and Galicia smiled just before spotting (y/n) sitting in the corner by the stairs.

"(y/n)." This must be the boyfriend Galicia doesn't like talking about. Standing up from her seat (y/n) smiled she finally got a good look at him when he turned to look at her. It was Jorden. The Ravenclaw head boy.

"I was just leaving. Carry on." Shutting the door behind her she knew Galicia was scarlet without looking at her face. She always got like that when talking about boys. (y/n) was the same.

All she had to do was wait for Galicia to come back to the room while writing her letter to Fred and George.

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