Chapter Thirty

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It was an amazing but daunting relief to board the Hogwarts Express for the last time. (y/n) and the girls began talking about jobs and what they planned to do after a short break between school and starting real jobs.

"Mum refuses to let me near the Ministry of Magic. So I'll be starting to work in Germany with their ministry." The girls gaped at her. They knew of course that Galicia spoke fluent German and most German people knew English but never would they have guess she would work there.

"Wait you're moving!" Samantha gasped. "I'm just working in the ice cream store in diagon alley." Galicia scoffed at Samantha rolling her eyes.

"No, I can't afford to move out yet. I'm taking floo powered directly outside the ministry. It's Not that hard. Can't get rid of me that easily. Kate, you got the job at Saint Mongos right?" She nodded grinning.

"Starting when you are." The girls looked at her. With Umbridge and the twins leaving before exams non of them thought to bring up what she decided to do.

"What are you going to do?" Samantha asked and (y/n) sighed. She had made a decision. Well, the twins talked her into it over a dozen of letters which she had to read through a dozen times before making her mind up.

"Well until the war is finished I'll be helping the twins with the joke shop. They want a line with runes but they don't know too much about them."

"But what about being a musician or making your own bookstore?" (y/n) heard with what the twins wrote a shop or two had been wreaked by death eaters so it would be best not to do anything drastic, although a joke shop was defiantly a drastic one for sure.

"Keeping a low profile for you right now is best. I mean you've seen what will happen at Hogwarts." Kate whispered out and (y/n) hummed glancing out to the incoming city. Not long now. There was a knock at the door. Harry stood there and they all stopped talking.

"I'm sorry but could I speak to (y/n)." Fixing up her skirt (y/n) stood leaving the girls and into the quiet hallway.

"Hermione told me what you did." He breathed, and (y/n) froze on the spot. "Warning paddford I mean. Thank you for that." (y/n) gave a smile nodding to Harry.

"I couldn't let another person die when I knew what would happen. George said they knocked him out pretty well that day. Sleeping drought in his tea." She giggled and Harry grinned all of a sudden giving her a tight hug.

"He's the only family I have." Surprised she hugged him for a moment before he pulled back.

"That's not completely true. having friends that will always be there for you. That's family." A whistle blew and (y/n) felt the train slowing beneath her feet.
"I'll see you around Harry." She opened back up the compartment door and the girls watched Harry walk away.

"What was the hug about?" (y/n) paused when going to grab her small suitcase above Samantha. Of course, she hadn't mentioned Serius to the girls. So (y/n) had to say something else.

"Oh, he was just...." Just before she could make up some sort of horrible excuse for Harry's hug the train jolted rather harshly to stop and (y/n) fell down to the floor. Galicia tried helping while Samantha began laughing along with Kate.

"The trains done that the past seven years you would have thought you'd remember." Galicia breathed helping her up and getting her bags. The girls waited for the hallway to be less crowded before even attempting to walk out. But when they did Kates's mum was waiting right next to the doorway.

"Come on hun we've got to get ready for our holiday." As every year Kate's family went to visit her grandparents in the countryside for a week after school finished. Kate wasn't a huge fan of all the nosy questions they would say. A quick hug goodbye and she went off with her mum.

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