Chapter four

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School was only a few days away now. With all the organizing and packing it was now (y/n)'s last chance to get the rest of her school books. Last Sunday it was so packed some books were out of stock. Now a whole week passing (y/n) was told to try once again. Knowing her mum was out shopping (y/n) apparated into Diagon ally the moment she gathered her bookbag together. If it wasn't busy last week then it defiantly was now. Dodging people left and right a long sigh left her lips when seeing just two books left in the window of the bookstore. Snatching one just in time relief washed over her thinking what would have happened showing up the first day of school without all her books.

"That'll be three gallons." Happily giving the money (y/n) knew she just wanted to spend her day reading the textbook. But something stopped her maybe she should visit the twins again. Before school starts. She'll have two more days before having to hop on the train. Would they want her to visit or would the house be busy with ordering stuff. No one really told her what they do other than fight against he who must not be named.

While contemplating this a loud shout of her name was called. They sounded angry, furious even. She knew the voice. Quinny. He had been expelled after almost choking her to death on the Hogwarts Express last year. No one knew what happened to him since. (y/n) almost tripped on the stairs so shocked to see him.

"You little pest get back here." Witches and wizards turned staring at her then Quinny. Deciding to apparating before he got any closer the only thought she had was Fred and George. All thoughts of if they wanted to see her gone when opening her eyes she was relieved to see the line of houses once more. But they didn't move. Not like the other night and neither parent told her how to summon the house. Maybe they thought she would only go when they did think it wasn't necessary. Standing still for a moment not sure exactly what to do George came walking out of nowhere in front of her then Fred came.

"How did you?" They both grinned.

"(y/n) What a surprise." As they both said this both gave her a hug tugging her off and away from the house.

"Mum got us cleaning but when spotting you we said you wanted to talk about school," Fred whispered arm over her shoulder before standing aside. His mum must be watching.

"Cleaning? This whole time." George groaned at the thought.

"All week trying to keep everyone out of trouble. Harry's with us now. You hear about the dementor attack?" (y/n) shook her head frowning slightly.

"Yeah well Harry was expelled for using magic to protect himself but all charges were dropped earlier today," Fred explained and (y/n)'s frown grew slightly.

"Dementor, they're controlled by the ministry. Was it them?" They both shrugged.

"Who knows stupid of them to think anyone wouldn't use magic against them he'd die wouldn't he." (y/n) nodded thinking deeply. The twins suddenly stopped.

"This should be far enough." And with a loud crack (y/n) was swept away from the humid London street into the leaky cauldron. Being clearly confused George took hold of her shoulders taking her upstairs as Fred lead the way to a small motel room. Once the door opened a small cloud of black dust flew out of the room.

"Mums been trying to catch us making products," Fred said going over to the brewing potion.

"So we rented out this room last week when getting our school books. Perfect for hiding everything." (y/n) couldn't help but smile and a laugh erupted from her lips.

"She mustn't want you to open a joke shop then." While the twins set themselves on the floor (y/n) went for the bed. It being the only surface not scattered with bottles and boxes.

"Lothes the idea but she'll change her mind once we open the store." It was a change from the lack of effort they put into their schoolwork. Smiles on their faces and laughs came from them as she began to read her school book. Happy to just listen to the excitement to her left.
It had almost been an hour when she felt a tap on her knee. Fred stood by the bed and peaking behind him the cauldron was now packed up. They must be cleaning up before school started.

"We were planning on testing some things today but since you're here." Fred had a look in his eye that made her blush. (y/n) moved to bookmark her book with the one they gave her last year.

"What do they all do?" Her question was met with a grin from George who jumped across the bed to sit right up next to her while holding some little bags.

"These ones can make your nose bleed and these ones make you vomit." Her nose scrunched up at the thought. The twins laughed.

"Thought that would be your reaction." Fred chuckled taking a seat on the bed as well. He leant in stealing to a short kiss, a smile landed on her face. Then the clock struck just past five and the twins groaned.

"If we're out much later Mum will freak." But neither moved for a moment. It seemed even though they should move it was the last thing on their minds. (y/n) was the first to stand.

"I don't want you guys to get in trouble."

"Happens everyday love." Fred smiled standing up straight and grabbed the suitcase with all the products in them.

Beginning a short walk down to a deserted street George aparited them back to the same spot they left. A few minute walk from the house but (y/n) guessed it was so they weren't home just yet.

"We can meet up before the train leaves." George suggested and (y/n) nodded.

"I'll be with Poppy and Davis. Mum will be in Germany with Dad for a quidditch match." Her mum wanted to stay but (y/n) told her she didn't need to it was only a few months until Christmas.

"Say you never did mention why you came to visit." Fred grinned nudging her side while they both suddenly took hold of her hands. "Missed us already?"

"Well, I was thinking about it when. Quinny came charging at me and since this was what I was thinking about I apparited here to get away." Fred and George stopped in their tracks staring at her.

"Why didn't you tell us? We would've gone straight back to punch him in the gut." Knowing they probably would have she was glad it hadn't come up in conversation.

"Next time you're there take someone with you." George breathed squeezing her hand and (y/n) nodded tugging them a little to get them walking again.

The Ravenclaw girl Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant